♡ rainbows ♡

So basically what I'ma about to tell you is personal between me and my friend (don't get mad pwease) (this is just out dumbass fight we had) Quetzel (read description)

So basically me and my friend (don't get mad please) Quetzel have these dumb fights (that I start obviously 😗👌) where I get suspicious and curious about shit...we cus alot(mostly me) and we also kinda talk shit (no joke or is that just me jk) we get into fights where we stop being friends and then we become friends again...AND LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT... I'ma drama queen in a his path and if I get drama in his face I start drama with him😩 and normally when I been mean to him he says "why have you been a dick for the past week or month?" And me being the person who does not know what to say I go ahead and go with a soft "wdym?" And that's just le beginning...

(When we start drama it gets sometimes really kinda brutally ig) and when I don't wanna fight I get too it and fight...

Please don't get mad that I leaked our drama shit Quetzel and I also apologize about the fights I started with you...(again don't get mad please) (bye UwU)


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  ♡ rainbows ♡

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