✨throwaway account✨

song i wrote

it’s 7:30 in the morning and im showing up to school
look to your seat and see that you’re not in

i start to shake, brain starts to quake, worst-case scenarios creeping in, perhaps you’ve tried and maybe this time you’ve done it

yeah what am i supposed to do when your help isn’t helping
those cuts on your wrist don’t lie

what am i supposed to do when i can’t handle it anymore, cause i know that you’re not alright

it’s like
aaaaa aaaa aaaa aaa aa
why must the world hurt you
aaaaa aaaa aaaa aaa aa
why must the world desert you
and it breaks my
heaaaaaa aaaa aaa aaa aart

it’s past midnight and i should be sleeping
but I’m awake and staring at the ceiling
can’t stop thinkin bout you

somewhere in your room, you’re lying awake while your mum yells from the kitchen that you can’t be you

yeah what am i supposed to do when your help isn’t helping
those cuts on your wrist don’t lie

what am i supposed to do when i can’t handle it anymore, cause i know that you’re not alright

it’s like
aaaaa aaaa aaaa aaa aa
why must the world hurt you
aaaaa aaaa aaaa aaa aa
why must the world desert you
and it breaks my
heaaaaaa aaaa aaa aaa aart

late October night
a bridge
you’re not alright

they find you in the morning
call at half past two
and you’re not gonna be ok
i freeze up and start to shake
my heads spinning
am i dreaming, is this real??
i really hope it ain’t

but it is

and i cry
aaaa aa aa aa a
why did they hurt you
aaaa aa aa aa a
why did they desert you
and all i can hope is
i didn’t leave any scars
I look up to the stars
hope you’re happy wherever u are
i look up to the stars


4 years ago   67 views   1 frames   3 Like



This song is so sad and beautiful

4 years ago   Reply
  ✨throwaway account✨

on a more serious note, it’s about my close friend (and ex) who ended his life. it’s kind of a coping mechanism i guess.

4 years ago   Reply
  ✨throwaway account✨

it’s a long ass song lol

4 years ago   Reply

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