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“Highlights” of this week

So to start off... last week ended terribly so.. yeah... a great start.
This week has been my week off of school, sounds great, right??
Well... I don’t actually get a week off... cuz I still have two classes... one of them is my first class in the morning meaning... no. I didn’t get to sleep in at all this week. Kinda defeats the purpose of a week off.
I’ve been sick as fuck all week... my head hurts. My stomach hurts. My guts hurt. My eyes hurt. My brain has been foggy af. I feel like throwing up. I’ve been super weak. I’ve been coughing. Not to mention hot and cold flashes... plus... just the feeling like absolute shit cuz ur sick.
Ya know... that sounds like not enough fun so yep! The unbearable mouth pain returns!!
My jaw has been absolutely killing me... my teeth have been killing me... just the constant, consistent terrible pain is unbearable. When it flares up worse I become infuriated, I want to break something, everything. JUST NOT DEAL WITH THAT PAIN!
Every night I can’t sleep because the pain is so bad... and when it isn’t that bad it wakes me up once I fall asleep. Not to mention I have restless leg syndrome which also keeps me awake.
Before I go to bed every night I have to get a bottle of ibuprofen, food to take with the ibuprofen glass of ice water, a ice pack rapped in a damp cloth, and usually something to gnaw on.
Besides all this... my mom has been yelling at me all week for being lazy. My head hurts, but when I stand up it hurts more. I’m tired, but when I stand up MY LEGS FUCKING SHAKE. I’m weak, but when I even so much as lift my arm it’ll get tired.
Plus I’ve still had school everyday and guess what?? My teacher gave me a ton more homework than normal!!!
and.. you know how this was my week off?
WELL GUESS WHO FUCKING WAS TOO WEAK AND TIRED TO GET UP AND ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING???? I spent almost everyday in bed... I was so fucking bored...
everyone was at school... and guess who’s friends haven’t been online much this week?
Being bored may not sound terrible... but imagine 5 days and nights just sitting in your bed being too tired to do anything... that’s why I haven’t been posting... cuz I’m too tired...
I just... every day. I was too tired to do anything... but my mom still yelled at me for being lazy when I was to weak to even do the things I WANTED to do...
-part 1
(Lol. Yes there’s more my friends)

3 years ago   37 浏览量   1 框架


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