
Zombie town.

I still remember that day... that terrible terrible day. Just picture this, A sunny summer day, I was playing out back behind my grandpa’s house with a few of my friends, We were playing with some of my grandma’s old toys she had ever sense she was 4. My best friend Tom handerson was holding a small blue pickup truck with a green stripe going down the front of it, I always thought it was the ugliest toy truck ever. But he loved it more then anything, Tom and my other friend EmmA took off running playfully towards the front of the house. As I sat there giggling with my sister Soona. We both heard screaming and shouting coming from out front. We raced towards the screaming and found a shocking sight. Emma was screaming in pain as an old man was biting into her flesh. Soona grabbed a bass ball bat from off the ground and started hitting the old guy with it. I couldn’t move from how shocked and acted I was. After a few moments the old man fell to the ground not moving anymore. Emma slowly got up crying. Tom ran back over. Soona asked Emma if she was gonna be okay. Emma nodded her head..but I think we all knew something wasn’t right. Just as my grandpa came out side Emma started twitching quickly and making weird growling like sounds. Tom put is hand on Emma’s shoulder and asked her what was wrong. Emma didn’t answer. She then started trying to bite Tom. My grandpa ran over and pulled Emma away from Tom. Emma bit into my grandpa’s arm. Just then a thought popped into my head. What if this is what I think it is. Soona swinged the bar at Emma knocking her off her feet. Soona said what the heck is wrong with you Emma!. I still didn’t know what to do. I was only 6 at the time. Grandpa got up off the grounded and started ripping into Soona’s throat. Me and Tom screamed and quickly grabbed Soona and started to make a run for it. After we got somewhere safe. I looked down at Soona, she didn’t look to well. Soona started coughing hard. She looked up at me and Tom and begged Tom to keep me safe. No matter what. He promised her that he’d always be there when I needed him. Soona looked at me and said. Marra... , She then started to twitch like the others did. Soona quickly grabbed out a shotgun and amid at her head. Tom covered my eyes and looked away. After I heard the gun shot. I knew right then... this was only the beginning. Of whole new world. A world of Zombies...

3 years ago   141 views   1 frames   1 Like



And I still miss being with you.❤️🥺

3 years ago   Reply


It is just a story I never finished =p

3 years ago   Reply

Is this real?!

3 years ago   Reply (1)

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