
Heh...I'm back..most of you probably unfollow or forgotten me

Life is... HORRIBLE. I'm tired of being scream at everyday by my mom. She calls me names like a little shit, childish bitch, and just rude stuff. I wanna die in the inside and no one knows that, but when I try to tell people they go "no you don't". Like...WHY CANT PEOPLE BELIEVE ME. Is it because I'm annoying and seem always happy but when the inside of me is dying. Yah I'm really good at acting happy...but like I said before I am NOT. I wanna die, but then I don't wanna die cause I don't want the people who actually care for me (if there is any) crying..Soo yah. I might post more..idk :/


4 years ago   16 views   1 frames


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