šŸ¦‡Blind As A Bat StudiošŸ¦‡

I want to learn how to play D&D

Hello yā€™all I am wanting to learn how to do a new hobby. Dungeon and dragons, I have wanted to learn and play this game for a while and I finally decided, yes ima play. I think I know the rules but before I start I want to be 100% sure that I know the games rules. So I thought I would ask you guys, hopeful one of you can answer my questions.
So the first one is can I have a vampire character, this drawing in the screen is Franco and I made her because it seems like a very fun concept to play as. Here is the backstory that I made up for my character.
ā€œ Fanuco was a servant to Count Strahd Von Zarovich but she did have the potential to be a high ranking vampire but just was not given the opportunity to become one, but she always wanted the chance to prove her forth to the Count because she admired the Count for his ā€œkindnessā€ and for him destroying those ā€œevilā€ other creatures. But one day while in the castle she heard Zarovich talk about a human village that moved into HIS land and wanted to send someone to get rid of them. Franco thought that if she got rid of the humans they would respect her more and the count would make her a high ranking vampires. So she sneaks out of Zarovich castle and heads to the village and before she can do anything to harm the humans she finds that there way of life is so freeing and nice, and that there not evil but actually much kinder to each otherā€™s and other creatures than the vampires are, so she decided to not do anything about the village and instead she would come back anytime that she could sneak out and watch the humans and long to be like them. One day she went to sneak out and found that the village was abandoned and that vampires where there, she learned that they destroyed the village and killed many humans, outraged and sad by what Zarovich did she stole his magic bracelet that let him walk in sun light and after a big escape from the castle, the Count swore to hint her down and make her pay for her betrayal. After traveling for a while, and avoiding the counts attempts to capture her she is learning the humans culture and way of life and how to be free and adopting a cute little bunny as her pet, she found a group of heroā€™s who would travel the world protecting humans and other creatures from danger, she wanted to be apart of this and decided to join them. And she is learning how to use her powers and how to be free and happy.ā€œ
Can this be an ok character to play as.
Second question is how many people do I need to play with and how many times do we need to meet up to play and how long will each session take?
Thatā€™s all my questions if any of you can answer these questions can you please tell me I want to play D&D. But I want to play it right.
Hope yā€™all enjoyšŸ¦‡šŸŒŗ


4 years ago   513 views   1 frames   3 Like


  šŸ¦‡Blind As A Bat StudiošŸ¦‡

Thank you so much for the information that helped me out a lot šŸ˜

4 years ago   Reply

D&D is actually a pretty simple game to learn! Hereā€™s the basics: Thereā€™s a party, usually consisting of 3-6 people. Thereā€™s also a DM ( Dungeon Master) that controls how the game goes, what happens in the world, what the world looks like, and the NPCs. Second, there is a ā€˜ questā€™ your party has to figure out. In the game iā€™m currently doing, the quest is thr King of out land has been taken by a dark, magical figure and we need to discover where he is.

There are classes ( Which I guess you know that already) and character types. Some common ones are: Dwarves, Humans, Orks, and Ogars. There are also different classes, example, my character is a human archer.

There are many videos online explaining it and teaching you how to play.

Oh, also I donā€™t think vampires are an available type. ( Sorry )

4 years ago   Reply
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