Lavender the Zelda nerd!

The Hobbit an unexpected journey. Lavender reviews

So this trilogy... The film trilogy based on one book
This is the first movie
I have already reviewed the fellowship of the ring from the lotr trilogy
This is a review of the first movie in the Hobbit trilogy
I just got a dvd set of all of them.
Not the extended cuts i don't but i am going to binge watch the lotr trilogy extended cuts
So unexpected journey is fun and nice
It's not fellowship good but it's not half bad either it's my favourite of the Hobbit trilogy since it has gollum
But i noticed some goofy parts like the trolls and the goblin king they were a bit too over the top for me and too goofy. Bit they were fine i guess. I like how the movie starts off and all its very fun and i like how they connected it to the fellowship of the ring with the opening scene and overall this movie is lots of fun imma go watch the second movie and then the third and then to a complete review of the trilogy


4 years ago   44 views   1 frames


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