
small gore warning

meet Felix!!
he is going to be animated in a short film im making called “Distant Temple”
the plot of this film would be that Felix, the monster, would have woken up in a lab, that looked abandoned.
But was recently intruded, explaining why all of the members there were gone. Felix had been being worked on for months, and taught by the members there, but had sadly been abandoned and unfinished when the lab was intruded and the members were all taken away, Felix called for the Members multiple times, but nobody had answered. he went outside (which he never had before, because of being forbidden to due to the dangers outside the lab) and still found nobody, so he had just explored, and found a big gate around a temple, that looked very old. He climbed over the fence, and with very little strength left he had fell onto the temple’s cold, dusty ground. He then spotted a cart of creatures that were nearly dead, and happened to be projects that never got finished and failed.They all didnt know how to speak, but knew sign language. Luckily, Felix did too. He had talked with them, and helped them out of the cart, he also taught the creatures more stuff and even repaired them. He ended up living with the creatures in that temple, and stayed there forever.
(by the way, i would love for somebody to audition for voice acting Felix!! 10-13 please ^^)


4 years ago   62 views   2 frames   2 Like



That ended very wholesome and I love it

4 years ago   Reply

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