Sans > (wanna have a bad ti...

Story telling crankys ver. *new character*

Once apon a time three friends wanted to go to the dessert theyre names are frank jeff and tony they packed the supplies they need to survive tony said "we could use my car to get to the dessert quickly if you guyscwant" both frank and jeff agreed. They putted their supplies in the trunk they fueled the car up and they drove to the dessert they were close but one of the tires popped by a rock they had no choice but to walkvthey couldnt fix the tire so they walk as they slowly run out of water and when they ran out of water they got lost jeff said "our luck is still on our side lets stick together so we dont get seperatade no matter what it is except water we do not go to it" they holded hands and kept walking forward and found a road they asked for help or a car and they found their car they called for help and soneone came and fixed the tire they went back home and never reterned to the dessert the end.


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