|[ 𝖠𝖻𝗒𝗌𝗌 ]|

So... I should probably talk about this....

(Legit.. don’t even attempt to read this unless you care)

So.... I’m not exactly the healthiest person...
I eat pretty healthy tbh and I get some exercise...
But... I have a lotta “heath problems”... nothing too serious, but...
it’s not fun..

I have a lotta problems with my teeth and mouth... which... as strange as it is, it affects your entire body... and can make you pretty miserable
And... my teeth grow in really slowly and really late.. and it hurts like hell most of the time they’re moving...

Plus I have really bad allergies... so...
It’s just another gift to add to my wonderful everyday torture

I also have asthma... plus other breathing problems...
so.... it’s fun...

Not to mention...
I can’t eat a lot of food... or even a little
I get really tired and feel like puking if I “eat too much”
Which... recently it’s got a ton worse.. to the point where I feel terrible after eating less than my average... I legit felt like complete crap after eating just a Culver’s kids meal...
And I normally have a big appetite...
And it’s not like I can eat a certain amount so I make sure I don’t feel awful...
cuz I can eat a lot of one thing and not eat any of another.. and it’s never really the same
And don’t even get me started on deserts!!
I can’t really eat any at all without feeling absolutely terrible..

Plus... I go through hot and cold flashes...
Mainly just hot flashes though...
And it’s really obnoxious
I’ll be sitting, completely fine, then suddenly I’m burning up...
Idrek how to deal with them cuz they pass and you’ll go back to ur normal temperature..

Also... every morning when I wake up..
I feel absolutely terrible.
My head hurts, I feel like puking, I’m a lil nauseous, and I’m super tired
... I’m already not a morning person at all so this makes it 5 times harder
And it’s just annoying...
cuz it lasts for an hour or more

Not to mention... I have headaches all day....
Almost everyday... all day long...
it’s not pleasant..

Plus Throughout the day I get tired..
Like I’ll get tired enough to fall asleep at random points, but then later I’m perfectly fine..
Sometimes it’ll be like an hour before bed and I’ll be completely exhausted... but then when it’s actually time to sleep I’m completely awake again...
So... I get super weak and tired at random point throughout the day... and then I become completely fine again....
it’s really hard...

I have a twitch.. my hands twitch a lot.. sometimes it’s my legs as well... or even my entire body for a brief moment...
The smaller the thing that’s twitching the faster and longer it twitches..
And when I eat sugar (even a very small amount) it can make my twitching a ton worse.... and if I’m cold my twitching becomes far worse as well...

(Plus I’m incredibly fidgety all the time and can’t sit still easily at all...
I have to constantly be doing something to focus well..
that doesn’t have to do with health tho)

Not to mention... whenever I go out into the cold (cuz I live in a place that gets pretty cold in the winter) it takes forever for my body to heat back up afterwards...
Like... if I was out in the cold for a while.. my skin can stay very cold for even an hour... and I shiver (but it’s more like trembling)

And having cramps at that time...
That just makes everything so much worse...

Plus... just being tired for no reason...
and feeling very pukey and just flat out sick a lot of the time
I just feel terrible all day...

The reason For saying this..?
I’m just telling you... I deal with this shit everyday..
That’s on top of my school stress and normal stress...
And legit just being a teenager going through puberty...

And.. I have slight anger problems anyway so...
feeling miserable makes me more irritable..

So... yes...
This is my life...

(Gosh, I feel terrible rn)
((Everyone: you always feel terrible))

3 years ago   66 views   2 frames   3 Like


  A weeb FNaF fan(member of t...

-hugs- I'm a tween and I have food problems to and the sleeping problems to im tied one second the next im awake so im sorry you have to deal with this everyday but you just earned another foller

3 years ago   Reply
  🍀🟢Spicy Lemøns🟢🍀

I’m sorry you have to go through that.. 😔 that must feel like torture...

3 years ago   Reply

Aww, I wanna give you a big warm hug
;^; I wish I could help

3 years ago   Reply
  Cool name™

D: this is horrible!

3 years ago   Reply

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