morgans background:By me~
Morgan was made by a demon beast and a witch, her full blood in her was witchcraft and a little of the beast inside her
When Morgan was 3 her mother began to distance herself from Morgan and focused more on her husband, her husband was a cheater overcomed with lust, her mother learned but never felt any emotion at all but love and she was blinded by love to him
She never loved Morgan and never focused on her at all
She would always push her away and would make Morgan go to her room and have nothing at all
8 years later her mother disappeared for that long, she thought her mom was sending her food when really it was a cat named rich sending her food
2 years later she met a large giant beast named grin with their background I will not say but she saved his life, and for that they had a connection, he was 21 and she was 13 grin felt more of a father figure than a friend. And decided he was going to be her father
He treated and loved her that she never got at all and she felt so happy and loved for once but once her mother had seen this by her spirit she came back but to make sure Morgan never felt this happy again.
She would comand Morgan to bash her knees with a hammer making her barely walk at all. Making her thighs all bruised from injury's her mother made her get
She then realized a man tried to get with morgan but she had easily stoped that from happening
Morgan felt jealousy and rage to anyone who even dared to touch grin in any way
She could not handle it
Nor control it
She wanted grin to herself because that was her father and from what her mother had done she didn't want that to happen at all
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