
in da hood

Okay, my other ratings, since I don't know your actual age, I'm rating as if you were around 13.
You have a pretty good grasp of lighting and shading and you seem to be able to draw really well from reference. With those two bird drawings you did I would suggest drawing from reference rather than memory. Look up a picture of a bird and draw that, then it will be a lot easier to draw from memory and it will turn out a lot better. Go ahead and draw still life as well, like plants and decorations. Also work on backgrounds a bit more. Also, like I have said before with other ratings, I think you should work on one of these things at a time. I don't think I saw any drawings of people so if you aren't good at drawing people, work on it. Anatomy is a big part of humans and animals alike, so it will help you to study the skeletal and muscular structure of animals and humans! Hope this helps!


4 years ago   91 views   1 frames   1 Like



in da hood

I meant that skeletal and muscule mass are big parts of both animals and humans
I don't know if that explained it better or not, sorry-

4 years ago   Reply
  in da hood

um i have no idea what that last part means but ok?

4 years ago   Reply (1)

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