šŸ–¤Atlas~KnifešŸ–¤(member of the...

Good morning y'all please read the description of this post

Just wanted to say that I'm proud of you guys, all of you are amazing people and you shouldn't have to change for anyone but yourself. I know how hard life can be sometimes but if you are still here then that just proves how strong you are. It's okay to not feel okay all the time, you aren't made to feel only one emotion and if you can't feel any at all that's okay too. You aren't a horrible person for the way you feel, I suggest talking to someone who you can trust and someone who will understand and for those who need this your body is perfect the way it is and no matter the size you are still perfect, of you have not yet today please eat something it's does not have to be big just something to fill you up enough.i wish you all a very good day. If anyone of you needs to talk my discord is in my bio

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