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Third OC: Devin

Dev is a Cheimarin that doesn’t actually come from a Realm, He’s from a place called the Iterum, which is at the center of the trirealm and helps keep it from falling apart. A Cheimarin has goat like horns and hooves, but they have the ability to change into a human form. Something else about Devin is that he can manipulate any type of plant, although no one has learned much about his abilities.
For most of his childhood he spent traveling from the Iterum to Xinoriah, where his best friend, Zen lived. Up until Zen was 22 the two were close friends and usually spent most of the time “goofing off” together. Just before Zen turned 23 something happened to the Iterum and he was forced to stay there for 12 years. Something was trying to get inside of the Iterum and if it had succeeded the trirealm could have fallen apart. Once there was no longer a threat he was allowed to leave and his first goal was to find Zen and see how she was doing.
Devin is pretty friendly and caring, despite the fact that he’s a lil shy and not the best with people. He does spend quite a bit of time by himself. At times he can be considered “a wimp”.. this isn’t because he isn’t brave... it’s because he can be a lil jumpy and doesn’t like anything getting hurt or dying (and Zen teased him by killing ants in front of him...)

Aight. Now that I’m through with backstory I’m going to talk about what has happened more recently in roleplays

(Role plays with Toa or -ThatOneAnimator-)

Devin met a girl named Addy and of course, because they’re beans... Me and Toa shipped them.
Addy is adorable and precious, and despite that Devin still teases and messes with her quite often... mainly because when he does she giggles and her embarrassed giggle is just too cute to resist

(Ignore my crappy writing atm... I’m lazy and suck at writing)

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  ✨Comfortable Mudd✨

Vtducugxyex that's my step mom's name-

3 years ago   Reply (1)

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