

I feel so blessed when I think of all I have. He forgives me for everything i’ve done. “His mercy’s are new every morning.” I know so many things about him Id love to share. We could even get in an among us lobby and chat about christ. God is so good. In the movie Les Misrables ( french), the character named Jean vel Jean ( pronounced John vel John) was poor and had no where to live. A pastor let him into his church and gave him soup to eat. he was kind. later Jean Vel Jean stole all the silver they had and went to sneak away but two cops caught him. They brought him back to the priest. Instead of getting angry at Jean Vel Jean, the priest said “ he didn’t steal this silver, in fact, he forgot the best silver” and handed him the rest. He showed grace to Jeal Vel Jean and he was saved. he became a member of christ. Even tho it was catholic, ( i don’t believe) grace still saves lives. Show grace and change someone forever. when someone wrongs you, see it as a chance to show grace. :3

3 years ago   54 回視聴   2 コマ   5 いいね



That is an amazing story
Thank you for sharing! ^^

3 years ago   返信

I ❤️ God

3 years ago   返信


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