
When I first met you I thought you were just going to be another person, then we started talking more, then every few days, then everyday, then all the time, you promised you’d never leave me and I promised the same, then there was another friend, you reassured me that I couldn’t be replaced, little while later we started talking less, everyday, every few days, then you were gone, I thought about you everyday, the day I thought I was ok, you came back saying that you shouldn’t have left and that they ended up being a jerk and you regret everything, I forgive you and we start talking again, few months later it happens again, you come back again but this time I wasn’t over you, as you hit I fell harder, I pretended to be ok, then you met someone again, I still wasn’t ok but you didn’t know that, you drifted away again but I kept pulling you back in, I then found someone else and thought we’d both be better apart but I soon found out that the person I found didn’t actually want me, I pulled you back in again, now I realize that.. we would be better apart...it’s just- “it’s hard to say goodbye when you know that it’s over”...
I’m sorry..
When you read this you’ll know that it’s you..


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