mr a (long gone)

please dont go past this read the description

so listen i know we may never meet and you may pass by but let me say something life is short it cold end whenever you never know when people can be mean freinds and family freinds can be mean and if they are they are not freinds they are bullys i am always mad and sad family and freinds die and you usualy cant prevent it dont take life for grantit dont start fights dont do bad things people say "toughen up weirdo"no one cares" those things hurt not physacly but mentaly life will knock you down and try keeping you down but you can fight and do what you want you can be so sad and mad and you cant take it but dont end your lifel life is meaningfull so many things can go good never give up i am just a kid and i know you may not care about what im saying but i want to say thank you everyone who is nice i have no true freinds i am disliked in my school since i cried and i sing and draw and read and i am so mad at them but it will get better


4 years ago   26 views   1 frames


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