|[ 𝖠𝖻𝗒𝗌𝗌 ]|

I forced all of my oc’s to do a game night with me

All we did was play gambling games
...mainly poker

But one thing I learned... my oc’s act like a disfunction family that is way to large for its own good

The entire time Garri just sat next to the couch building towers with the poker chips
Which... is probably good cuz idk how I would explain to Chandler why his son knows how to gamble

It took a while to explain poker to Devin, but he eventually got the hang of it.
Of course... he’s not incredibly good at keeping a straight face

Zen seemed slightly irritated the entire time.. probably cuz she’s sick and doesn’t like poker... not to mention Rochelle was “obnoxious”.. but I’ll explain what I mean by “obnoxious” later 😌✨

After about fifteen minutes Serrow((Tew)) finally understood how to play
He used his syringe and ofc it made him emotionless.
It made the game slightly unfair cuz he could even beat Kaylix with that poker face

For most of the game Kaylix was not happy cuz I took away his phone.. and I was taking up his precious limited free time
After a while he did get kinda into it and with his ✨fabulous✨ acting skills he was able to play pretty well

It wasn’t exactly the most fair game cuz Cam wouldn’t stop cheating..
I mean TECHNICALLYYYYYY it wasn’t his fault cuz he can’t control what he senses, but like... 🙄
He kept sensing people’s emotions and he could tell if they got good or bad cards
Zen was pissed

Rochelle decided to take the free time to annoy the crap out of everyone..
For the first few rounds she kept using her powers to mess with everyone else’s minds... it lasted until I threatened to make her stay sober for a month
She went quiet fast.
But then she decided to mess with Zen and started hitting on her
Zen was disturbed and before I was forced to separate the two, she attempted to kick her in the face...
She only succeeded once and to her dismay Rochelle didn’t seem phased by it.

So in the end...
Kaylix, Serrow and Cam were the only ones who won
Of course.. it wasn’t exactly fair

Zen was angry, Garri was happy just building with poker chips, Devin was tired and bored, Kaylix actually enjoyed it, Serrow enjoyed it until he switched and completely forgot how to play, Rochelle enjoyed messing with people and Cam didn’t care

3 years ago   31 views   1 frames   1 Like



This is amazing
I did not regret one second of reading every single word of it XD

3 years ago   Reply

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