????? 💙

Wanna ship one of my ocs?

Name brayden
Crush no one
Age 7
Species: human
Short summary i do homeschol and have 1 friends
Likes roblox among us minecraft friends
Dislikes negativity school pizza every bug on universe
Gender male
Friend: jack
Taken: not yet

Name: blacky
Speaks: english
Age: 7
Species: stickman
Likes: other stickman friends
Dislikes: pizza
Gender: male
Friends: jack shadow
Enemy: thunder
Friends: anna(kdc0723’s oc) maybe shadow
Agest 24
Taken: no

Name Mr.fart
Crush purple guy
Age 29
Species: fart
Short summary stinks alot
Likes negativity
Dislikes nice
Gender male
Taken: to purple guy

Name purple guy
Crush Mr.fart
Age 27
Species:stickman wow I remember these 2
Short summary ____________________________________________________________________________________
Likes friends
Dislikes negativity
Gender female
Taken: to

Name: Ugly girl
Crush: kielyn
Spekas: english
Age: 59
Spiecies: human
Short summary: hates life
Likez: farts
Dislikes: people who are 7 years old
Gender: female
Taken: no

Name: bloody blacky
Crush no one
Speaks: english
Age 7
Species: blood stickman
Short summary i do homeschol and have 1 friends
Likes roblox among us minecraft friends
Dislikes negativity school pizza every bug on universe
Gender male
Agest 24

Name: Shadoleyo
Crush: shadow (also darknesses new name shadow oc)
Speaks: english
Age: 5
Short summary: just learned how to talk
Likes: rainbows and Shadows
Dislikes: lightning
Gender: boy
Enemy: shadowscar(🌹violetanimations🌹oc)
Jan 8

Crush: fuzzy
Speaks: english
Age: 24
Species: wolf
Likes: everything accept mean stuff
Dislikes: mean people and mean stuff
Gender: female
Friend: none
Birthday: Jan 20

Name: leaf
Crush: dosent wanna say it
Age: 3
Species: leaf
Short summary: just learned to say stuff
Likes: trees
Dislikes: windy and wind
Gender: male
Enemy: mr windy (squigglybruv(leader of squigg bois)(co leader of darkness falls) (fluff is the leader of the fluffy flamingo’s clan’/𝕡𝕘 𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕’s oc)
Birthday: Jan 1

Name: thunder
Crush: lightning
Species: evil stickman
Friends: none
Enemy’s: all good people
Birthday: jan 25

Crush: to young
Speaks: english
Species: pyramid
Dec 29

Name Dorityte
Crush: mr dorito
Speaks: english
Species: dorito
Gender: girl
Enemy: lightning(shadows oc) and thunder

Name: pyramidy
Speaks: shape
Species: pyramid

Name: shady
Crush: shadow
Enemy: shadowscar and shadoleyo
Freinds: none

Name: fleffy
Crush: fleeky
Speaks: english
Enemy: too nice
Friends: everyone who is nice to him
Species: flower
Birthday: jan 6

Name:pink dude
Birthday jan 999999999999

Name: baby blacky
Speaks: english
Age: 7
Species: stickman
Likes: other stickman friends
Dislikes: pizza
Gender: male
Birthday: agest 24

Crush: nobody
Age: 14
Name: Stick
Likes: Sleeping
Dislikes: E A T I N G
Friends: n o b o d y
Enemies: everyone
Language: English
Birthday: when he gets fan art

Name: bluey
Crush: no tell
Friend: maybe glen
Species: planet
Enemy: no one

Name: appley
Crush: orangey
Age: 17
Enemy: no one
Friends: orangey blacky shadoelyo

Name: coke man
Crush: no tell
Enemy: maybe Pepsi man

Name: darkette
Crush: you now like always wanna of shadows ocs witch is darkness
Friends: skjsjenejje none
Enemy: violet (🌹violetanimations🌹oc)

CRUSH: blacky
Friends: sdsssisisjsjsjjcjdjddjsn none

Name: flamey
Crush: Fire boy
Friends: blacky
Enemy: watery snowy dirty sunny and earthy

Names: watery
Crush: no one
Enemy: earthy and flamey snowy dirty and sunny
Friends: blacky

Names: earthy
Earthys crush: glen
enemy: watery and flamey snowy dirty and sunny
Friends: blacky

Name: dirty
Crush: no one
Friends: blacky
enemy: snowy flamey watery earthy

Name: sunny
Crush: no one
Enemy: flamey snowy dirty watery earthy
Friends: blacky

Name: snowy
Crush: no one
Friends: no one
enemy: dirty flamey watery earthy sunny

Name: timey
Crush: none
Friends: hourglasses
Enemy: none

The two brothers are
Sky the cyan stickman and blucey the blue stickman
Noththing else

Nothing else

Among us ocs

Hat: crown
Pet: stickman
Enemy: among us yellow and vetaran

Enemy: among us red


4 years ago   24 views   1 frames   1 Like


  🐺Luna and black shuck the s...

Leaf x 💜leafy luna💙(my oc im about to make)

4 years ago   Reply

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