
little bit of a small story time for ya

this is what happened today,

okay, so we where on the way home, and i was half way asleep, an out of the corner i hear my bro talking about some song called bang, and i say, "i want a bang!" you know the energy drink, but it didn't sound like that, it sounded like " i wanna bang!" so yeah, if you wanted to know

3 years ago   105 浏览量   1 框架



A weeb FNaF fan(member of t...

Pretty close, I was on a bus, and my step brother sits across from me, and a girl sits in front of me, and they where talking about a song called bang, and my half way asleep self yelled I want a bang, not thinking at all before I said something

3 years ago   回复 (1)
  A weeb FNaF fan(member of t...


On a bus I belive you were half asleep and someone said bang you want a bang but it sounded like I wanna bang

3 years ago   回复 (1)

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