
Uh. SoOo..

I might be an introvert~ but I won’t be revealing that yet. I’m just gonna vent here about it because I’m really bored. Leave now if you don’t wanna read my vent !!

So, I have many insecurities.. But the thing is, I have a huge one, and that huge one always gets to my head.. I don’t like to talk about it, but since this is a vent I will. I’ve figured out that I am very insecure about being a “perfect” friend. I’m known as clingy. Well, that’s to some people. Maybe about 3% or 6% of my friends say I’m clingy.. and I’ve always had a fear of that. I remember earlier today, my friend was playing a game and I really wanted to join him. But my insecurity just got to my head. It repeated words that made me feel bad about joining him. My mind kept on saying “You played with him yesterday for like 9 hrs” or “your gonna loose another friend if your too clingy” and I had no control. So what I did was, I disguised and joined him trying to face my fears. But.. it didn’t go so well, he left the game and I was sweating and gaining more anxiety every second. So then I left, and played on my own. But then he came back online, though I was very confused. I joined him again, attempting to face my fears.. though I didn’t see him anywhere (btw here’s a summary of what game he played. It’s a game for VR and normal players to play with, he was on VR and I was on pc, he would be really huge bc he’s VR and I would be really small since I’m a human..) so I looked in the chat, everywhere. But what I saw honestly shocked me so then I left right away. If you wanna know what happened. He chatted in the chat and he was talking to someone. (The chat is only meant for humans, not VR people. So he was on pc this time..) I was very scared after, and just stopped playing.. ^^ I do want to get rid of the insecurity but I don’t know how. (BTW IK I FREAKING KNOW THE ‘N’ LOOKS LIKE AN H, MY HANDWRITING SUCKS-)


4 years ago   28 views   1 frames



I’m a mirror.- so it’s you ;>>

4 years ago   Reply

Eheh. You are really nice though ;v;

4 years ago   Reply

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