

m using my new oc, he doesn’t have a name, but...I dunno, let’s call him Usagi hamanati, but people call him ito or usagi, he is 23 and is nurturant, so he does jobs for money, no matter the side, he is morally grey☺️😊, but he is currently partnered with the school, and would be a third year, but is kinda an assistant, or like a the thing all the class a students do..like where they do jobs with the hero’s- anyways that’s him

His quirk is energy based, so he is constantly absorbing kinetic energy, and storing it, so when he does deliver a punch, it HuRtS, but he doesn’t speak, because it can cause damage, his voice that is. He also shatters Morris and glass, not purposefully, it just happens, and is very cat like. He doesn’t wear the school uniform, or any uniform he dresses for comfort. He is also 6’6 and sounds like corpse so-


Fell drawing : https://pasteboard.co/JM8Ey6U.jpg


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