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Imma just say why I feel so terrible today..

First and most importantly...
today has pretty much be one long (slight) panic attack
I’ve been freaked and stressed out almost the entire day and completely unable to calm myself down
I did do a few things to try to cope and they helped a lil, but I didn’t get most of my hw done because of it.
On top of the panic attack I’ve been trembling and shaking all day
This is kinda normal for me.. I also have a twitch
But the trembling made my panic attack worse
On top of the trembling I have asthma..
so it has been harder to breath pretty much all day...
which is very helpful.. if you want to make someone freak out.

Apart from the panic stuff I’ve been sick as fuck
I woke up feeling absolutely awful
Throughout the entire day I’ve been nauseous and felt like I was going to throw up
Plus I had hot flashes
On top of that I’ve just felt too sick to eat anything... so I really haven’t eaten anything
Not to mention my head has been throbbing and I’ve had a terrible headache.... all of it felt like a bad fever
But I get that often.. where I feel terrible like I have a fever but my temperature is normal
As if I didn’t feel crappy enough already... I’ve been weak af
I had a hard time sitting up at points and it wasn’t easy to stand or walk..
I just want to lay on the ground.
And it wasn’t just physical exhaustion...
I really couldn’t do my school cuz feeling that damn shitty made it impossible for me to motivate myself
The only thing I could motivate myself to do was try to cope with the constant panic attack

And there are a few other things...
But some of it I just don’t care to say

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