So this happened in lokicraft..... (Read des..-)
If some of you don't know lokicraft, it's like Minecraft, just with less mobs, and it's free for moble ;-; ANYWAYYYY let's get in the this unu
So me and dino were playing in the same world (we couldn't see each other-). We spawned next to a temple, so we got the loot from it (and took the tnt lol). After dino got his loot he was just walking around the dessert biom- then i found a village, and luck, there was another temple next to it, and there was another village.- i chose to set it there and made my home there (cuz i lazy lol). Then i went in the temple next to the village, i started digging the middle of it till i got punched, or smth. Ik this bc i got pushed back, and heard me get punched, i looked around and... No one was there........ This was the first scary thing..
I got scared and quickly got the loot and left, there was a skeleton while i was building up. Luckly it didn't hit me (hah, stupid skeletons xd). Anyway, dino kept saying "i hear footsteps outside my house, but when i go check, no ones there.." That was the second scary thing..
Soon we started saying "THIS SERVER'S CURSED" and "HOROBRIEN POSSESSED THIS WORLD" stuff like that-
We deleted the world and made a world LITTERLY named "666" and the seed was "666666666" (don't judge me lol). That's when this happened...
I turned up my volume and i hear this...
*tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*
It kept going (no it wasn't walking btw i was in a tree too-). I got scared (ofc).
And yeah dino wanted to make a demon thing in loki craft soooo
I tried
Nothing rlly happened lol
Ok that's pretty much it
It was just
Creepy... And scary
Dino's still in the world, i still haven't deleted it-
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