Meet Arietta
Information About Arietta
Name: Arietta
Birthday: June 5th 2005
Age: 15
Gender: None
Sexuality: Straight
Likes: Sweet Candy, Clothes, and hair styles!
Dislikes: spicy food, sour candy, and bullies
Pronouns: They/ Them
Nicknames: Ari, illy
Species: Half creature, half human
Personality: Friendly, tough, and sweet
• Arietta can't be shipped
• If you didn't know Arietta has a big ball at the end of their pigtails, Arietta can grow them and they will have spikes on them, and the pigtails can become a spikey ball (if you know what I'm saying)
•Why doesn't Arietta have a gender?
A: When Arietta was born the doctors couldn't find out if it was a girl or boy, it was like if they had an error finding that out. Ari disliked being called a girl and a boy so everyone just assumes she doesn't have one
• Arietta is a creature, and half human. Her parents are human but didn't know how Arietta was half creature
• Arietta sometimes desides not to talk, she does make noises when she does certain actions, like jumping, falling, crying maybe, getting hurt, or maybe even hurting someone
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