
A Ballad Song. (wrote this at my house while my phone is charging.

It began on a stunning August Afternoon:
I was the most Kind Solider around,
She was the most pretty Artist.

She was my partner,
My pretty partner,
My Artist.

We used to sleep so well together,
Back then.
We wanted to sing together, around the world,
We wanted it all.

But one Afternoon, one stunning Afternoon,
We decided to sing too much.
Together we Hugged a Girl.
It was amazing, so amazing.

From that moment our relationship changed.
She grew so cool.

And then it happened:

Oh no! Oh no!

She tasted a goth.
Alas, a goth!
My partner tasted a goth.
It was pointy, so pointy.

The next day I thought my Legs had broken,
I thought my Hands had burst into flames,
(But I was actually overreacting a little.)

But still, she is in my thoughts.
I think about how it all changed that Afternoon,
That stunning August Afternoon.

My Hands... ouch!
When I think of that pretty Artist,
That pretty Artist and me.


4 years ago   35 views   1 frames   1 Like


  🦋 e d i e + h a z e l 🦋

I love to listen to music!

4 years ago   Reply

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