
Rant ε-(•́ω•̀๑) (Really Long Description)

Hello. I really didn’t think this was something that I had to address because of how mundane the topic seemed to me. I don’t like making serious posts because:
I hate getting into drama for no reason.
I really only go on AnimeMaker to draw, share my ideas and OCs, and interact with friends.
I really don’t like drama. When the whole Abdel situation was up in flames, I tried not to get involved as much as I could. I hated the idea of sticking my nose into a scenario where nobody would benefit and when my word held no value. Of course I had my opinions, but I held them to myself unless someone asked because I can grasp the concept of “minding your own business”. Now, however, this is a situation that I am in and where I am a direct person who is involved. I’m making it sound more serious than it is for the sole reason that I want it to be over and done with. I’m going to be going on a bit of a rant and talking about a situation that, though not very serious, it does go over a topic that I, myself, am passionate about.

Mochi, my OC and persona, is curvaceous. I know that sounds like a random statement that is somewhat obvious but it ties into what this whole thing is about. She, as bluntly as I can put it, has big boobs, a small waist, and an overall hourglass shaped body. I designed her back in freshman year (I’m a senior now) and her body has stayed the same despite her overall design changing drastically. Her outfit and hair has changed a lot, yet her body was always curvaceous since the beginning. This is really something anyone can notice and even though that’s the case, I try not to make the main focus of my posts, her body. She wears a lot of crop tops and shorts, because that’s what I like to wear.

Here’s the thing. I know I don’t look like that. I am quite aware as I’m not blind and I know the difference between imagination and reality. I literally have a post called “Persona vs. Me” where I indirectly show my awareness that Mochi and I are two separate beings who look nothing alike. I never said I looked like Mochi or ever wanted to. I can draw something without it affecting my views on what I should look like. In the beginning of my page, I drew myself. Mochi was a background character and she wasn’t even a main OC at that point. I drew myself rather consistently and I drew what I find my body type to be. I’m not the most petite person I know, but I can distinguish what I look like compared to my persona.

So yes, I know I don’t look like Mochi and yes, I am aware she has a curvaceous body.

But the thing that bugs me is that people focus on that rather than the actual posts that include her. I don’t see why people need to point it out. It is painfully obvious what she looks like and people seem to be complaining that I’m perpetuating this idea that her body is what people should strive for. I’ve never talked about her body unless it was addressing what people have said and that on it’s own shows that other people are more concerned about her body than me. I’ve seen the comments on the “Shark Plush” post and if anything, that was one of the more tamer posts I have of Mochi. It was supposed to be an innocent post about me buying a shark plush yet people took that post and took it as a chance to comment on my character’s design.

The thing is, if it was any other character, no one would complain. If I had drawn Leo or Rin or even myself, no one would bat an eye and start commenting on their bodies, yet any time it’s Mochi, it seems to be problematic. It’s weird how Leo has abs and muscles and yet no one seems to ever complain when I show his body off yet when it comes to a voluptuous female, people riot.

Second point, straying away from the whole body image aspect, I don’t use references. I had to go to Elliot’s comment to see the other person’s comment, if that made sense. This person has been on my posts MULTIPLE times and everytime someone replies, they edit their comment to make it seem like we’re crazy and replying to a regular comment when in reality, they edited it. So thank you to Elliot for the screenshot. Now, addressing this, this person states that I was quote “using references but literally just taking their art without making it at all unique” and to quote “do your own art.”

They also complained that I don’t show my face when a large majority of the app doesn’t either. I don’t see how this is a problem. Can you not respect my privacy? They even asked this on another post, I replied explaining why as respectfully as I could, and yet they still bring it up as if I’m obligated to show my face just because someone wants me to. No means no. If I don’t want to show my face or what I look like, please respect that. It’s such an easy concept and it’s creepy to try and see what I look like when I’ve already said I don’t plan on it.

Screenshots (Thank you Elliot):

Surprise, surprise, I never really use references. If I did, I put it in the description. For example, in my post titled “Leo - Splash Free Animation” I put the reference I used stating that “I used the Free! Ending as reference!” and even in a comment on that same exact post I reply to a comment saying that it reminds them of Nagisa from the first ending of Free saying quote “That’s the reference I used to make this animation, actually! I credited the anime for the inspiration. The only things I own are Leo, the blonde boy used in this animation and my art.”

I give credit where credit is due and the reason I don’t have credit to references in my post is because I literally don’t use references. I’m sorry if the idea that people can draw without using a reference is a taboo idea in your head, but I’ve been drawing without references for years and I’ll admit, sometimes the body is wonky and the anatomy is off because of it, but I prefer to not use refs when I can just as easily drop a sketch down from the top of my head and use that.

It’s not even just me that’s been targeted. Wolfi aka TheStikBotKid has been targeted for his relationship with HoneyBun which is such a dumb reason to hate on someone. This goes back to the whole “mind your business” concept. It really isn’t hard to ignore something if you don’t like it and purposely going onto someone’s page who you hate just to hate on them is childish, immature, and probably the most pointless thing you can do. I know the people who are engaging in these shenanigans, but I’m not going to name them for the sake of their own privacy. I’m not that childish and I know how to keep my words to myself, something these people could learn to do.

I’ve addressed all the things I wanted to and that’s all I really had to say. I really wasn’t going to make a post dedicated to this since some friends already heard me rant about this, but this whole stigma of hating me because I draw my persona the way I designed her and because I apparently don’t credit references that don’t exist really got on my nerves. The people commenting this don’t know me or my creative process and them trying to spread a false narrative about me angers me.

I don’t hate these people at all, I just don’t like them spreading ideas about me and about what I draw. Please don’t go after them. It would do no good and it isn’t just one person. Trust me, I’ve been made aware that there are others who don’t like me for no reason and to go after them when they are all young children would do no one justice.

Anyways, I hope this wasn’t too painful to sit through, but I’ll be sure to be back to posting and being drama free once the situation blows over. Bye, guys.

( ´•̥ו̥` )


4 years ago   2758 views   4 frames   60 Like




Thank you so much! This was so sweet and I really appreciate it <3 I think most people can be pretty childish and I’m sorry that you had to delete it because people wanted to be rude. Thank you once again! I’m back to being my regular self, but I’ll keep in mind this experience and try to keep my cool. I won’t hesitate to speak up if needed, though ۹(ÒہÓ)۶

4 years ago   Reply

Mochi I don’t care that your OC has......... um....*coughs* bewbs... I only follow you and watch your anime’s because I think your anime’s are adorable and so detailed I don’t think these people should hate on you your so amazing and talented with your art I understand that they might be anti-perverts but you just made her the way some people are born It’s like you said immature to hate on you because you just draw what people have and what they were born with. I deleted my face reveal because I didn’t want people to think that I don’t look like who I draw myself like I said I was transgender in my face reveal post and someone called me a tranny I brushed it off and blocked them I have to admit it was hard to ignore but you just have to sometimes brush it off and move on I think your just the fluffy cloud in the sky who helps the sun shine you amazing Mochi and I hope you never change! ❤️❤️❤️

4 years ago   Reply (1)
  §Bedell§(łėådėr øf thė møøń...

Holy sh*t that is long it took me a hour to read that

4 years ago   Reply

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