
C0N0R- A Freestyle song.

You get on with life as a surgeon,
You're a smart kinda person.
You like tasting wine on Sundays,
You like practising guitar in the week.
You like to contemplate the living.
But when you start to daydream,
Your mind turns straight to the dead.

Five six seven eight...

You like to use words like 'spiffing,'
You like to use words like 'fortified.'
You like to use words about the living.
But when you stop your talking,
Your mind turns straight to the dead.

Five six seven eight...

You like to hang out with Will,
You like to kick back with Kate,
But when left alone,
Your mind turns straight to the dead.

Five six seven eight...

You're not too fond of grubby knees,
You really hate cough mixture,
But you just think back to the dead,
And you're happy once again.

Five six seven eight...


4 years ago   21 views   1 frames


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