|[ 𝖠𝖻𝗒𝗌𝗌 ]|

My vacation so far

Well... the first day was horrible..
Everything went wrong

The next day was my birthday (yesterday)
It was pretty much a normal day except far worse
I was alone the entire day... of course...
except for my siblings and parents which I don’t have enough energy to be be around
The only thing I wanted to do I wasn’t allowed to do

And then today is just a repeat of yesterday except without having to answer the question
“how’s your birthday going?”

If you’ve seen enough posts of mine... I’m sick.
All day, everyday
Atm I take 3 pills and 2 liquid “medication” (idk what else to call it)
One of the pills I started taking around Friday and at first I felt really good and actually had energy for once
But now I feel like crap
I’m in pain by headaches, stomach aches or anything else that wants to make matters worse
I’m physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted all day...
I don’t want to do anything.... just sit alone in my room to attempt ✨cope✨
Which.... I don’t even have an actual room in this Condo 🙃✨

I just want to go home....
I don’t feel anywhere close to good enough to enjoy this...
The fun part is... I should be enjoying this
But I feel like absolute shit.
So I’m wasting a time to relax and enjoy free time by feeling miserable

I’m not even doing anything productive...
I’m doing absolutely nothing....
and nothing makes me feel any better.

I should be relaxed, but I have ✨anxiety✨ And panic attacks and asthma and I tremble and shake half of the day so I’m never relaxed
Yep. my body is on the fritz trying to make my life miserable...
and it’s succeeding ☕️😌✨

3 years ago   26 views   5 frames


  |[ 𝖠𝖻𝗒𝗌𝗌 ]|

And I’m not even going to mention my mental state right now

3 years ago   Reply

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