
have you ever just wanted to beat the living shit out of someone because same!!!😂😁

trust me I don’t mind bts people Idgaf if you support bts that’s good for you but there is this one kid in my class and there little friend that liked/supported bts and they joined this breakout room I was in zoom with like a bunch of other kids and we were just chilling listening to music and yk talking and stuff but this bts kid with co host just decided to yk be a absolute dick head and play some bts when we told them to stop like many times because we didn’t want to listen to it anymore like at first it was funny haaha but it got kinda annoying and they started to mute us which got me pissed off and half of the kids were telling them to stop but they still kept on going 😭 and I was tryna call the host in but they were taking mad long and this shit was still going on and when they finally let us talked I was going tf off like I deadass said “ bro tf is you doing we dead told you stop playing that shit, “ and then their little friend and them was like “ oh!! let us play our music we didn’t complain about the music you were playing!1! “ like bruh if you had a problem with the music we was playing why didn’t you say anything about it how you gonna just say that now if you told us earlier we would had stopped 😭 like this bitch looked real dumb and they were tryna come after with the “ then oh if you don’t like our music let’s hear yours 🥺💔‼️ “ and I didn’t respond I just wanted them to talk their shit LMFAO , and then then host came in and I told them everything like idgaf if I was being a snitch or sum shit but that shit was bothering me, and they had the audacity to call me immature while this bitch was literally still going on about the issue after it was been done resolved and literally couldn’t even act mature in front of the teacher like if people were telling you to stop then stop 😭 but anywyas how was y’all days ?? 😁

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