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Half of it is in American the other half is in EverywhereElse.
The weight stand for well, the dragons weight. The wings stand for wing area (square feet/meters). And the speedometer looking symbol stands for flight speed.
This is basically explaining what features a real dragon would have. For one, a real dragon would not and can not have six limbs. So a Wyvern is the only option. They couldn’t and wouldn’t had breathed fire. Technically they could breathe fire but to do that they would have to be as smart as dolphins if not smarter and that’s just not happening. In order to fly, they would have to have the same bone that all flying birds have. This bone is called the keel. It is a chest bone that strong muscles attach to. Without this bone, a dragon would not have strong enough wings to fly. So no fire, no 2nd pair of wings, and no flat chests. They would most likely have venom. They would be able to either bite and inject the venom into their blood, or they could spit the venom at an opponent. The venom would only be harmful if it gets into your bloodstream, gets into your eyes, or gets into your mouth/nose. It would also be harmful if it got into an open wound. They would possibly have venomous quills along their backs. This would prove useful to fend off against anything that tries to attack from both above and from behind. Dragons would likely have sharp, long claws to help grab onto any surroundings while landing. In model 4, you can see how often the muscles would be used based on their colors. Yellow means often used, red means almost overused and most definitely the strongest muscles.
I’ll update this later with more dragon facts and I’ll fully convert all my numbers into both American and EverywhereElse. I also have to look something up as I just realized how fast 340 or so kilometers is. I’m not sure if that is faster than the flesh and bone speed limit. Basically, any flesh and bone based will be destroyed once they pass a certain speed in flight. I think I will end up changing my numbers either way.


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