My lungs smok :(
I inhale Carbon Dioxide and it bad for our lung
Lung2: <strong>*Inhales Carbon Dioxide*</strong>
Lung2: <strong>“Wait a minute are we smoking?„</strong>
Lung1: <strong>“Nah, he isn't smokeng„</strong>
Lung1: <strong>“Let's just smokeng ourselves„</strong>
Me: <strong>*burps*</strong>
Me: <strong>“What happened to me?„</strong>
Me: <strong>“I ain't feel good :(„</strong>
Thorn: <strong>*sneakey*</strong>
Thorn: <strong>“Want some smokys?„</strong>
Me: <strong>“No, are you smoking?„</strong>
Thorn: <strong>“Shubs two's mouth with cigarettes„</strong>
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