πŸ’œZee BeeπŸ’™ @onelayergirl

Sooooooo who is this HornyPolice person...? πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

So this user who goes by HornyPolice on here made a post about me that I thought was quite hilarious πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ’€ And this is what they had to say about me:

"The reason you’re in HornyJail is because you post sexual content for kids to look at. Kissing and blushing and lusting. You’re in the popular anime section because you lure people into looking at your nasty content. That’s the only reason you’re popular right now. Therefore by my authority you will be in HornyJail for the rest of your life! I honestly hate your content and the best thing I could do to not see your content is to simply block you, but I cannot let you run rampant! It’s like mini ladd and YouTube, You need to stop. The only thing to get you out of horny jail is to stop posting your nasty sexual content. And to whoever tries to side with you goes to HornyJail as well. You want to see sexual content from her therefore you go to HornyJail as well."

So my thing is...have you even seen the super sexual animations that KIDS on this app have made?!?! πŸ‘€πŸ’€ Before you attack me for making wholesome lesbian content with some β€œslightly adult” humor sometimes, maybe you should take a look at the explicit animations that have been posted on here by many waaaaay younger than me. 😬 Just because I draw a kiss here and there and characters blushing doesn't make it sexual. People can kiss without sexual intent. It's a romantic way of expression and endearment. I am very aware that there are kids on here just like on any other social media app that everyone uses. And out of respect for the minors, I keep my animations quite mild and tame on here. So with that being said, I will continue to draw wholesome content of my comic characters who just happen to be lesbians. πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ It doesn't matter. I think their relationships are cute, sweet, funny, and passionate. I am grown and clearly free to express myself any way that I wish. I don't "lure kids in with nasty content." The REAL nasty content on AnimeMaker are from the accounts who LEGIT post porn sites for EVERYONE to see. Do I do that? πŸ€” No. πŸ™…πŸ½β€β™€οΈ My LGBT-friendly art is doing absolutely no harm. At least I'm a genuine artist on here with a lot to offer other aspiring artists. Maybe that is the true reason why my Animes always end up in the popular section. I'm not even trying to be in it. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ I just use this app for fun and to make my TikToks. So the only thing I'm guilty of "luring" people on here to is some good art from the heart πŸ˜ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ½πŸ’œ If it really bothers this individual so much then they should just block me and call it a day. 🀣🚫 No point in wasting words. πŸ‘πŸ½


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