^~•×🌜The Phoenix Wolf🌛ו~^

Moon's family Part 2

How Moon turned white...
After she died her soul got sucked into her body ..
Her eyes turned blue and because she was an angel her fur turned white.


4 years ago   27 views   8 frames


  ^~•×🌜The Phoenix Wolf🌛ו~^

Then her soul got sucked into her body, then her eyes turned blue and her fur turned white...

3 years ago   Reply
  ^~•×🌜The Phoenix Wolf🌛ו~^

One night she heard noises in the kitchen and saw that her dad was cheating on her mom. In the morning Moon told her mom what happened...
Her mom did not believe her and told her that she shouldn't "lie " about that stuff...
Moon's mom got a little madder everytime moon would try and explain..
She abused Moon for"lieing".
Her dad was drunk the whole time and Moon's mom didn't notice so he was stupid and joined in even when he was not drunk he still loved to abuse her.
Then Moon's brother saw them and he wanted his mom to give him a bat.
When he got it he hit Moon with it and knocked her out. He enjoyed it and kept doing it.
Moon still tried to tell her mom about her dad cheating though
So, Moon's mom thought she had a seriously bad time listening, and did an experiment on her which killed her...

3 years ago   Reply
  mariahdhill91(💫leader of th...

Why did her family hated her?

3 years ago   Reply

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