new hip tumblr sexyman (it/he)

wynn péyoñs! (they/he)

him and tessa are the main MCS btw (more of tessa later)
they have different lastnames for a reason

tessa was born
four years later wynn was born but the catch is that the mother had cheated so she left wynn to his father and went back to her husband and tessa
wynn’s dad was neglectful and wynn had to care for himself a lot
tessa’s mother(wynn’s mother too lol) then told tessa that she had a brother when she was 18(wynn being 14)
tessa one day picked up wynn from middle school and the two were never seen from their parents ever again
while on the run with the help of friends, jaxk found them and offered them a job, they just went into it until they realized they literally signed to be assassins and out themselves in a training course for the next couple of years
the two then trained together and stuck together promising to never be separated from each other ever again like how their mother did long ago
surely through that time, wynn had a lot of relationships and it made them even more emotionally reserving with anyone other than his sister
the two eventually got out but now they work under jaxk ....... not
they do what they want really, they know jaxk wont try shit because they’ll beat his ass so
theyre more like anti-heroes though, they only kill when that person deserves it, which is most of the time, some cases they just kill the person who set the order so
theyre chilling

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  new hip tumblr sexyman (it/he)


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