new hip tumblr sexyman (it/he)

tessa bains(she/her)

forgot to add on wynn: he is bisexual))
gansitos are a mexican snack cake that has strawberry jelly and creme filling and a chocolate flavor coating; theyre so fucking good)
backstory: she was born first, so timeskip to four years later, wynn is born but the thing is she didnt know
she had no idea that she had a brother, she had her family of her mother(who cheated) and father
she had a great childhood and was always with her father while her mother “worked”
later on once tessa was 18, her mother told her about her brother and how she had cheated so tessa being rightfully mad since her father was a great person who didnt deserve that shit, she packed her stuff and left. it hurt her in the heat of the moment, she found wynn at school picking him up and running off with him
sorta wacky cause wynn thought he was getting kidnapped when it was literally his long lost sister PLZ
so i said in wynn’s post they found jaxk and blah blah blah yea
thhis was mostly tessa’s side

tessa/wynn have the same mom if u r confused in someway ahdh

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