Dream Boy.

Drawing things from my dreams.

I would rather not say the name of this one, It is named after a horrible person. who did horrible things to me, But what happened was I was in a very bright place, The place talked to me but there was nothing to be seen, Just white brightness. It soon told me that I would go back down to "earth" to help something or someone. I was soon dropped into the place you see in the drawing. I was greeted by a rather small cat. He had told me that his friend, Sammy, The door, Had been crying all day and wasn't sure why, So he had sent me to go and speak to the door. Sammy had told me that the cat, Who I am not going to name because it is a real person who did real harm to me, The rest of my dream was spent making the door happy, Which I did. I was sent back to the white void, And it had told me that I had accomplished what I was meant to do and that I were to return back to the real world, I had woke up after that.

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