Guess who got in a fight with two people and won?
So about two weeks ago one of the boys in my class told his big sister I was bullying him and she threatened to beat me up if I bothered him again. I stopped talking to the boy and he didn’t like that at all. He asked me why I wasn’t talking to him and I didn’t say anything. He asked again and I finally said “ what’s it to you? Are you gonna tell your sister?!” The whole class was shocked. I’m the kind of person who would act like that in public so it even shocked me. He just walked away really pissed off. At lunch I was walking to the spot where me and my friends hangout during our lunch breaks and some one grabbed me by my collar and slammed me down. It was the boy and his sister and they looked really mad. Then the fight started and I was fucking them both up. I punched the boy in his jaw and I cut the girls shoulder with my nails. My friends had to pull me off of them after they gave up but I was so angry I didn’t care. I’m not suspended even though I managed to draw blood and almost broke a jaw because it was only self defense and I’m they are twice my size so it wasn’t a fair fight. I’m honestly really proud of myself.
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