
The last animetion I will do. (Look at discretion)

I just going to not post anything intill i reach up to 80 followers. Also I feel like I'm alone on animemaker and I'm alone. So I going to take a break and just do something else. It's really not fare when people who got 8,000 followers who only have pictures or animation that are ok.. but people who post like: hello, memes, animation that are extreme. But if people who try to do thing like that, don't even get likes or followers. That's why there's a lot of beggers all over animemaker because they don't have attention. I been on animemaker for 4 years, but no one even make a cra^#.. I want to let others who need followers or comments so that they can be happy to be one this app. If you guys DON'T EVEN CARE FOR OTHERS WELL TRY TO THINK BEFORE TELLING THIS APP IS DIEING. I KEEP SEEING THESE PEOPLE WHO TRY HARD AND TRY TO DO THERE BEST...BUT THEY STILL GET THE SAME FREAKING BLANK PAGE ON THERE ANIMATION. I STANDE RIGHTS TO NOT LET PEOPLE not CLICKING THE ANIMETIONS. because if I was making bad animation right now and no one cheering me on I won't have the determination to get better. Bye.


3 years ago   63 views   65 frames   1 Like


  ↟♤₥𝔸₮₮ᗰ☻ᗪЄ𝟺☬♚(Leader of the...

Dude you liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 years ago   Reply

I agree...

3 years ago   Reply


3 years ago   Reply

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