
Why are people so toxic!?

Me and my friend where playing a multiplayer killer game where someone is the killer and has to kill all the players before they find all the keys. It was only us two so we made an online server for others to join. When we got 5 players we started the game and I was the killer. In the game there's special pillars that only the killer can see that help them climb walls and some stupid player was hacking and standing right underneath the pillars so I couldn't get to them. It bugged me at first but I didn't say anything and went to find other players but they kept saying things in chat like "jeez can't the killer try harder?" Or "lol this killer is such a noob"
I'm not the one who decided to cheat! Like sereously do people really have to go out to there way to be a jerk!? They kept calling me a looser or a noob until I finally won the game. it was really annoying

3 years ago   19 views   1 frames


  ☻︎♥︎𝙿𝚠𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚎 𝙳𝚊 𝙺𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚢♥︎☻︎

They are just kids who don’t understand how to talk

3 years ago   Reply

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