Main OC Character Introduction
Hello everyone! Artist-san here, don't mind him he's just nervous because I'm going to do an introduction about him. 😉
名前 Name: Kuromi Jaru 黒見ジャール
好きなもの Likes: Cats, Dogs, Delicious food
嫌いなもの: Dislikes: Violence, Fighting, Clowns
性格 Personality: Not lazy, just unmotivated, shy
髪の色 Hair Color: Gray
趣味 Hobby: Cooking
力 Power: All Physical Movement Amplification (currently at 100% and above)
力内容 Power details: By using his mind he can amplify his physical abilities from 0 to 100% (or even higher depending on his physical state)
Ps. Currently if he use his power it will always go to 100% but he can lower it he doesn't know how.
PPS: I posted this yesterday but in my freaking mind I deleted it. 💢😡
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