
SuperMasive Black Hole VS The biggest star

Yes, Black Hole win.

Because its size (in appearance) is smaller than the stars, its mass is many times larger than any race, even when it is smaller. One of the heaviest objects. The laws of physics don't work here. For example: one of NASA got out of the rocket and wanted to stay near the black hole for just a minute, but... 1 minute on a black hole is 1 Month, and that NASA man doesn't even recognize his home. There are some stars that are 10 times bigger than the sun, and they are more likely to become a black hole that doesn't care what it eats. The star Betelgeuse can become a black hole, because it is large enough to become a black ball with the size of 56 km. In the next animation, I will tell you about neutron stars/pulsars.

3 years ago   22 views   1 frames


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