
Lolcat speech ep1: You don't need to be afraid.

You don't need to be afraid no matter what someone is by your side no matter if they are on the internet or just there there is always someone to say "It's ok" remember there is always good in evil and theres always evil in good your not useless your out to do something and sometimes you just gotta reach out and grab it stare your worst fear straight in the eyes face to face and all you gotta say is I will not be afraid anymore and that's enough to make you stronger fight the voices off intimidate death just get away from those who hurt you all your life don't lie to yourself my dad has a saying "F.E.A.R F is for Fight E is for Endure A is for And. Most importantly R is for resist". So I remember those words and im not afraid anymore and now I want you to remember Alone you can swim but together we can push continents. Thank you.

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