GeekyPotato321 (Single Gan...

Some little 6 yr old made me look like a pedobear.... •-•"

I was at the store minding my own business when I noticed some kid staring at me and sorta following me. I thought it was just my imagination, but then he went up to me and just continued staring. After about a minute of me thinking he was doing a staring contest, he said "You're pretty! Will you by my girlfriend please?" My heart exploded because he was so adorable but only as a puppy cute, aaaand I didn't want for people to think I was a pedobear so I said "I think your mom is calling-" and once he turned, I booked it. I don't even know how he had such confidence to ask me when I, on the other hand, can't talk with the cashier without stuttering atleast once ;-;

3 years ago   523 浏览量   9 框架   3 喜欢



I'm just gonna say- HHHAH

3 years ago   回复 (1)
  dead account

GeekyPotato321 (Single Gan...

you did the right thing though
r u n

3 years ago   回复
  GeekyPotato321 (Single Gan...

dead account

It is but how was I gonna say yes without people staring or no without his little heart breaking ;-;

3 years ago   回复 (1)
  dead account

ngl thats kinda adorable

3 years ago   回复 (1)

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