Assassin wolf

Unknown World (this is series name not name of my book it is still unpunished part 1)


By a waterfall in the middle of summer when all the trees are in bloom, two leaders meet. One comes from the mountains the other from the forest beyond the flatlands. They meet in the middle of the large clearing where challenges were fought and disagreements were settled.
“I hear other packs moved in near you, Snow.” A light blue wolf says. His pelt shone brightly in the sunlight. He had dark blue fur around his eyes and the tips of his ears. His eye color was dark red. He may appear to be mean but is nice and understanding, but if you challenge him he won’t turn you down. “ Are they good for you?”
“Of course, Jay. They were patient and listened to us when we told them where they can put their borders.” Unlike Jay, Snow was all white with light blue eyes. “Although I wish we had some warning about this.”
Jay nods in agreement. “Thanks for meeting me Snow, but I must get back to my camp.” I hope that they understand the forest is mine. Jay turns back to his territory and goes into the woods. Most wolves wouldn’t go in there because of the mist that is always on the floor and the sudden darkness. As he walks through he sees a lone deer in the woods. A deer here? That's something new they don't usually come in here. They are mostly in the Meadow just outside the woods.
Once Jay gets to his camp a grey wolf comes up. “Hello, Jay. How was the meeting with Snow?”
“Good Rock, Snow said that the other packs are good.” Rock was all grey and was the Beta of the Forest Pack. Since he was second in command he had full right to know how the meeting went. His eyes were dark blue and he blended well in the dark forest, unlike Jay who’s pelt could be easily seen.
“I sent out a group of wolves. They should be back soon with prey.” Rock sighs as he goes on, “The whole pack is worried about these newcomers. They may not understand our ways and traditions. You know that we do things differently than other wolf packs.”
“All packs are similar in a way. We just need to be patient with them. Who is leading the hunting party?”
“Tree is leading it. I must go back to my den, I’ll talk with you in a bit.” He sees Jay looking at him and in his eyes, he sees the question. “I need to go because I’m watching the camp tonight.”
“Ok talk to you later.” Jay walks to his den. Maybe I should see if the new packs would like to go hunting. I mean only the Mountain Pack and the Forest Pack have been here for a long time and have hunted together to show that we aren’t fighting at the moment or because it is the winter season and both packs need food. He curls up on his deer pelt and rests.

Jay wakes to the sound of growling. As he walks out of his den he sees why, “What is happening here? Who are you and what do you want?” He looks at the visitors.
A yellow looking wolf answers instead of someone from his pack. “My name is Cliff, I come from the Gorge Pack. Snow told us about your pack and we wanted to meet the other leader. They saw us in your forest and brought us here showing no kind of friendship. Now, may I ask you something?” Cliffs golden eyes shine almost angrily.
Rock steps forward, “They had full right not to show any friendship to you.”
“Rock step down, “ Rock moves away from the other pack wolves. “but he does have a point that they had a right to show you no mercy. You must be from one of the new packs. How many more are there? Yes, you may ask me a question.”
“There is one other pack. They are called the River Pack. Why is your forest so creepy and has mist on the ground?’’ Cliff spoke even though Jay could see that he is scared of his pack and the woods. “What is your pack called?”
“My pack is the Forest pack. My name is Jay. I don’t know why the forest has mist on the ground. We use it for cover and attacks. The creepiness is your opinion, but anyone who does not grow up here may very well see it a different way. You must leave now I don’t care to have you in my pack any longer than you need to.” Jay turns to Rock, “Take Tree, Branch, Mist, and Wood with you. Show them the way out of the woods.”
Rock nods, calling the four wolves to him and leaving with the Gorge Pack. Jay watches them leave and hopes that the River Pack won’t come.
“Robin get Twig, Daisy, Pine, Nettle, Seed, Quill, Bush, Thorn, Rain, and Cardinal and go hunting, we are all getting hungry.” Jay watches them go knowing that he should go with and follows. He lets Robbin stay the leader of this hunting trip. They get to the Meadow outside of their woods and spot a herd of deer.
Robin gives them their places and the pack begins to move in. Jay goes to the center of the deer and finds the weak one. When he does he signals to the others and Twig and Bush move in the herd and goes by Jay. “It’s right there.” Jay points his tail in the direction of an older deer. The three wolves spread out and when they are in their spots they bark. Now that the herd is moving Daisy and Pine go towards the front by the leader of the herd and steer him to Robin and the rest of the pack. When they get close Jay and Bush, who is on the left side, push the older deer out of the herd separating it from the others. Twig then gets out and joins Nettle who is waiting by a cave that the wolves pushed the rest of the herd past. They go there in case the deer tries to get back with the rest of the herd. Moments later Daisy and Pine join Nettle and Twig. Robin stays in the long grass in case the deer takes an unexpected turn. Seed and Quill take Jay’s and Bush’s spots so they can get a rest. Thorn, Rain, and Cardinal help Seed and Quill trap the deer and kill it. The five wolves who were hiding came out and helped them drag the deer back to the camp. Jay and Bush meet them and take the lead so that no other wolves will attack the hunters for the deer.
Rock greets the hunting party when they come back. “Looks like there will be plenty of prey in the morning even after we all eat tonight.”
Jay nods and takes the first part of the deer. Rock then takes what he wants. After the Alpha and Beta take this the hunters and the rest of the pack get what they want. When the rest of the pack is done Berry, the Omega, takes what he wants and like Rock said there was plenty left over.
When Jay is done he walks over to Moss, the mother of two pups, Lumber and Spider. “ It's time those two learn how to be part of this pack. Tomorrow take them out with Antler and teach them a few things, if they are to be here they must keep their place.” Antler was the pup's father, he was light brown with yellow eyes. He was a good hunter and one of the best fighters, but he has little common sense. Moss on the other hand was a good fighter and hunter, but she had common sense. She was dark blue with very little light blue spots on her. Moss, Lumber, and Spider were all Jay’s kin, but Moss was the only one who resembled anything close to Jay.
“OK. I’ll take them out and show them some basic moves.” Moss agrees. “River would be proud. I know we both miss her much, so does Robin and Pine.” River was Jay’s mate before she passed away from sickness. Ever since then Jay found a pup who was naturally skilled in healing, who became the packs first Healer. He took food before the Omega with the rest of the pack. His name was Pond, he was a dark brown wolf with yellow eyes. He was Antler’s only brother in their litter.
“I know she would be proud of you and your siblings.” Sadness crosses his eyes and he leaves her to speak with her pups.
Jay goes to his den when the rest of his pack returns to their dens. He was sleeping for a small amount of time before he woke to Rocks paw on his side. “Rock it’s not even dawn yet. What do you need so bad?”
Rock whispers “It’s Snow she said it’s an emergency.”
"What? Where is she?" Jay sits up. How could there be an emergency in the middle of the night! "How is there an emergency? If this deals with the new packs I'm going to drive them out!"
"I don't know what the emergency is. She's just outside the forest. Do you want me to get anyone?" Rock like Jay was concerned for Snow's meeting. You could tell by the sense of worry in their eyes. For the two packs had hardly ever called an emergency meeting in the night.
"Yes get Tree, Berry, and Antler. Then meet me outside the camp. Have Nettle watch the camp while we're gone." Jay stands up and is about to leave when Rock goes in front of him.
"Are you sure that you want the omega to come? I'm not sure that's wise."
"Yes Berry needs some excitement as well. Now get them up and try not to wake anyone else." Jay leaves the cave and Rock gets the four wolves up.
The other wolves meet Jay outside the camp. Rock leads them to where Snow was impatiently waiting. She kept walking back and forth till she saw the wolves there.
"Come with me to The Meeting Grounds." That was the place where Jay and Snow had met earlier that day. As they were going they were practically running.

Once they get there they see Cliff and the River Pack leader. Snow and Jay join them in the middle near where the water is but not the waterfall. The rest of the wolves go around them so they can hear. Some wolves from all packs were there and as they were waiting for the alphas to finish greeting one another they began to talk. All not giving too much information on their packs.
"Everyone quiet down! The meeting shall begin." Snow waits for the group to quiet down before continuing,"I know many of you may be wondering why I have called this meeting. And I understand why. I do believe that our packs need to move. Now I understand that Cliff and Lake have just moved in…"
"Who's Lake?" Nettle calls from the crowd.
"Lake is the River Pack leader. But to get to the point our night watch has found human scents in the mountains." Snow leaves it there to hear the opinions of the wolves surrounding the alphas as well as the alphas.
"Everyone calm down. Is this the first sighting Snow?" Lake looks questioning at the Mountain Pack alpha. "If it's the first sighting then it could be the only."
Snow looks at Lake waiting for other thoughts but none came. Not even from the other wolves surrounding them. "Yes I do believe this is the first sighting. I haven't gotten any other Human sighting reports."
"Well in that case…" Jay pauses his sentence as if thinking over what to say. "If there is one or more sightings that become regular, as soon as possible let the rest of us know. Then we will decide where to go from there"
"Ok I think I could deal with that." Cliff agrees. "Besides I don't think they will come back. One time doesn't mean that they will come again."
"All in favor, call out. Forest Pack." Jay starts the call out.
"Mountain Pack!" Snow calls proudly.
"River Pack." Lake soon follows understanding what a call out was.
"Gorge Pack" Cliff calls out after a small pause.
"Then it's settled. If they come regularly, get the other packs to meet here or somewhere safer. Until then everyone go home and keep a watch out." Snow who started the meeting ended it like they have for years.

Chapter 1

Tree and Stem the alphas of the Forest Pack had called a meeting within their pack. They had just replaced their old alphas who had died in a fight or after the sickness in winter. They were just waiting for the female omaga to leave their den like every other meeting. "Everyone listen up! Me and Stem have agreed on who the Beta pair will be. Now they will get as much respect as us but will be lower."
"Tree I believe that goes without saying. Now Berry and Foal, you shall be the Betas. Take your responsibility wisely. " Stem finishes.
Berry and Foal go to the Beta den. This den was the second cave in the forest camp. Berry tended to live to his name. He knew what berries were good to eat and which were bad. Though he often was made fun of in his youth about eating berries his skills did come in handy when on a trip and no food around but fruits and berries. His tan like pelt and his yellow eyes helped even in the forest. At times he could almost look like a dying bush. Foal was kind to almost every baby animal. A few times even with baby deer she would protect them so that they can grow strong. The deer who were younger and never really saw a wolf sometimes mistaken her for another young deer. Her pelt looked exactly like a deer pelt and she knew how to get them to trust her. Her dark brown eyes also made the deer trust her, between the sudden calmness and alertness at the same time just made the deer think she was in of their own.
Tree and Stem the alpha wolves lived in the best most space in their cave. In the forest where they live there are three caves, alphas cave, betas cave, and the healing cave where the healer stays. Tree was a dark brown wolf. His golden eyes never really showed feelings. He wasn't the nicest wolf oftentimes he was quite mean. The only reason that he was an alpha was because he had fought his way to leadership. Making the original beta before him back down and when he was challenged by wolves that did not want him to be alpha after the other ones died he forced them to back down. Stem on the other hand was quite calm and possibly the only reason Tree was still in the right mind. Her light green eyes showed nothing but compassion, calmness, and loyalty to her pack. Her pelt was a kind of tan that looked like a flower stem dying in the winter. Her name came from her pelt. She was born in fall time when flowers were dying and some were growing.
Leaf was the healer of the pack, she was kind and sweet. Though her alpha liked violence she wished nothing of it. If the fight could be passed over she tried to find a way to stop it. The other packs liked her much. Few times she stepped in the battle stopping it for a time allowing their injuries to be looked at. Her leaf colored eyes showed beautiful springtime. Her grey pelt allowed her to blend in almost everywhere. She had three black dots around each of her eyes.
The healer's cave often smelled of herbs that Leaf had collected and used. Vines came down in front of the entrance; which came in handy when there was sickness or a dying wolf. No one would have to see it or have too much worry about getting ill. There was a small pool of water towards the back of the cave. The pool went into a small stream that went down from there. On the outside of the cave it went in a bit making a small ledge. It was covered so not much rain of snow could enter that spot. When sickness crosses the pack and some wolves are confined to the healers den the others put fresh meat on that ledge. That was the only reason that the healers den was there and not elsewhere. Leaf could exit the cave, go to her left, grab the fresh meat and give it to the wounded or sick.
Wood, the other healer was a brown wolf with a dark brown tail tip. He was Leafs mentor. Very rarely did he ever lash out at any of them.
The rest of the wolves have found shelter in hollowed trees, dug small tunnels to stay in, under the shelter of one of the caves, and some slept in the open till winter then dug a smaller hole to sleep in. These wolves then filled that hole in come spring and summer. Some of these wolves were bigger and stronger than some. These were the guards of the camp, they had keen eyes and only allowed a few wolves in if they weren't from that pack. Others were more skinny and fast. These were the hunters their main job was to only hunt and fight when it came to it. If the pack went hungry it wasn't just their fault. The guards could hunt as well and the hunters could guard. Those are just their main jobs within the pack.
The Mountain, Gorge, River, and Forest packs were named after some of the first packs to work together. Almost every pack knew about them and had different stories of the packs but no one really knew what happened to them or if they were still a pack.
"Stem? Can I speak to you? Alone." The meeting was just over when I went up to Stem.
"Of course Leaf." She follows Leaf to her healer's den. "It's darker than usual. What do you need?" She continues to look around the cave while I am talking to her.
"Do you think you could teach me to fight? I want to try and get Tree out of his spot. He shouldn't be the alpha. Everyone knows that. A war is going to start between the packs soon. It's the beginning of the year there's plenty of time before winter sickness." I didn't feel like I was messing around. And I was sure Stem could see that in my eyes. "What do you keep looking at? There's nothing unusual here."
"What do you mean?" The den was currently low on herbs and darker than usual. Many things were out of place and nests were broken apart. The cave was not even close to neet anymore. "It's a mess! Where's the light, your herbs, the nests are all over, and what herbs you do have are all over the place! Are you ok?"
I took a look around for the first time in a long time realizing what she was talking about. Everything was scattered around and out of place. "Look I'm sorry but it's hard for me right now. Things have been going on between Tree and me." Few animals knew that if you go up Tree and Leafs family tree by one generation their parents were siblings. Neither looked close to one another or much like their parents. "Look I'll clean it up later but Tree shouldn't be leader and we all know that. If I can challenge him and win or get enough wolves to stand up to him he has to back down, it's been that way for years."
Shaking her head Stem knew that even if she tried Leaf wasn't meant to fight at all. "No Leaf I will not train you nor will any wolf with sense. You're a Healer and always will be. Maybe you need to find a Tyro, to keep you busy and to get you reorganized."
"No!" I attempt not to yell but go growling while talking. "I'm not old yet! There's no reason for that! I can keep up if Tree will let me do my job!"
Stem turns her back in anger and understanding. With her head held high she walks out of my den.

The Healers Den was beginning to look as it used to before two pups come in. One pelt was a traditional wolf pelt where the other one is almost entirely black except for two white zigzagging lines down the sides of her body.
"Smoke, Lightning, what are you coming here for and skidding to a stop just a muzzle length from my herbs? You've made so much dry dirt and dust come up! " From the sudden look in their eyes I could tell that they knew I was very upset at them. Those two are always up to no good! Causing trouble left and right. Whoever their parents are they best make sure they learn manners! It's about time they become Tyros.
"Sorry Leaf. But we just found out that Tree was leaving!" Lightning claimed almost jumping up in happiness. She would have to if she knew that she wasn't already in trouble.
"Ok, and why is he leaving?" I could feel my anger move quickly into curiosity as they told me that the alpha may be leaving. I hope they ain't lying about this. If they are I may be the one shredding their pelts.
"Yes, it's true no one knows why but he said he his! Come look! Come on Leaf!" Smoke completely backs up his sister but she follows anyway. Both the pups chose to lead the way and I let them. Leaving the cave was a shock for me, I had been working in the dark sense Sunrise and now it's Highnoon. Sure enough, all of the wolves in the pack were around the leader.
"Tree where are you going? Smoke and Lightning said that you are leaving?'' I look up to the packs alpha.
"Yes I'm leaving." Tree claims boldly and loudly. "This pack is dumb and Leaf you are a horrible healer. Stem can care for the pack till she dies. I will live my life as a rogue and as soon as I leave the borders I expect to be treated as such." At that Tree marches out of the camp with his head high.
"Coil, Marsh, and Fallen follow him out to make sure he leaves. And like he said treat him like a rough no matter how friendly he may be. He is no longer a pack member." At her word the three wolves follow Tree out of the pack. "Leaf may I speak with you? I need your help with something." obediently I followed Stem to the Alphas cave. The cave now empty without her brother there and the two Betas when she's usually in there.
"Stem this better be important. A bit after dawn you wanted me to clean my cave up now you want me in here. What do you need?" I continue to look around the empty cave. Things will definitely be different without Tree. But it could be better, he has gone from a nice and calm fighter to power hungry monster.
"It is if you care to think about why he left." Stem looked like she was looking into my soul waiting for an answer. I mean she could kill me at any point. Stem was originally a rogue who completely refused to tell where she was from. Personally I think she was from somewhere not in this world. But from another one. The way she acted when she first came here was, unnatural.
"Ok ok if it means you'll stop staring into my soul like you can see the dead! You're kinda scaring me!" I continued to eye Stem knowing that what she was about to say was going to be something weird or unnormal like when she first came.
"Great! Now don't be mad at me for not telling you this. I know I've told almost everything about myself except where I come from. Tree left simply because he believed that he should no longer be in this pack after I told him you don't belong in this world. I told him this five months ago. When you said that he started to get really annoying and bother you." Stem looked at me expecting me to say something but I just sat there and waited for her to finish. "Nothing really? I would've expected something from you!"
"Nope nothing besides where it is that I'm supposed to be? In case you forget I'm a healer I've heard and seen some weird things. Come on! Not only that I've heard random voices that just talk. I've seen someone's death right before it happened. You expect me to surprised to hear that I'm not meant to be in this world?" I then just stared right back at Stem waiting for her to reply in some way but she just stood there in complete shock after hearing this from her friend.
"Well in that case would you like to see where you and I are meant to be? But before we go I'm going to explain something to you. I'm part of a group that has a job to go from one world to another to find humans and animals that are born with a gift. I know what I must look for in," Leaf holds up her paw to silence her friend. She sat still with her paw up and thought for a moment before speaking.
"So I have a gift and you’re just now choosing to tell me? If I go with you to this new world the other Healer will be by himself. How am I to explain that I'm leaving and possibly never coming back?" Sighing Stem did something unknown to Leaf.

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