Assassin wolf

Unknown World part 5

Chapter 8

I had found the Underground Portal that led to Infernum. When I went through I saw Leaf and Neako. Neako, well that's better than Lert. Then she'd have some trouble but right now she should be fine. I couldn't hear what they were saying but after a bit I hurd Neako telling her to join him and his brother. She had gone into a thought cover but it looked like she would almost join him. I couldn't allow that.
I lunged at him and I pinned him down. I knew that the pin wouldn't last long but enough for her to stop considering. What? Craterday, you shouldn't be here. I entered her dream not yours and hers. Then he throws me off. I had seen Leaf use her powers and even if I told her to use them she was frozen in fear. Probably because we were fighting over lava and one of us couldn't die again where the other one could. Well I mean Neako could die again but it's different from killing them when they're alive, kinda anyway.
"Leaf snap out of," Neako jumped and pinned me. Having his claws come out he put his paw on my throat. I had started to choke because of it. I could feel my eyes roll back and go black. Right there I knew I had blacked out and was no longer able to fight him.

I woke up still in the volcano but alone. I felt different in some way. I did a quick spell to show what happened when I blacked out. "Tergum in tempus" Leaf had woken up and Neako somehow reversed the spell on me. I didn't know what spell he used or why he reversed it but he did. Then he just left. "ire in domum suam" I returned back to the president where I needed to return to the Magic World and not Infernum. I gave the coordinates to the portal and returned back to the Magic World. It was in a cave in the forest. Hidden well, it had vines around it and grass growing all around the broken rock. It almost resembled a hill except it still had rock showing and a cave-like entrance.
I had to find a place to keep watch for Coil, Stem, and Leaf. If Coil had his way they'd be here later today or tomorrow. If Leaf opened her mouth about seeing me Coil would practically make them run through the whole trip. Starting to climb to the top of the cave I heard about three wolves and maybe two foxes. They came running fast, I recognized the three wolves at once and they weren't my friends. The foxes I had wrong there were three foxes not two. They stopped and sniffed the air. Most likely they smelt me and once they did I knew they did.
"Craterday? I thought he would be dead by now. Soil, I have that sent right, right?" The brown wolf comes forward, his dark brown eyes looking around.
"Yep, it's him. And fresh too." Soil tells Maro. Maro was a black wolf with light grey on him almost so he looked like a badger. But it stopped before hitting his tail.
"Maro, Soil, and Fridue? Look who's come back here. Cowards." I come out speaking rather calm. I wasn't used to not having the spell on me but I think it helped instead of trying to do other things. Like kill them right away. "Ran away as soon as Neako and Lert started winning the fight. We could've still won that fight. But wolves like you ran. Just like cowards you are." I knew that they would say something back and if not lunge at me. To call anyone cowards was disrespectful.
Maro comes up to me growling. "What happened when the fight was over and wolves like you left the fight instead of finishing it? You all left as cowards as well." Now that I couldn't handle, what did they know about what happened? They ran before the battle was half over. We were told to retreat, it was the last order our alpha gave before he died.
It wasn't long after those words were spoken that me and Maro was muzzle to muzzle. Both of us could easily start a fight but I knew I was out numbered. If I even tried anything I would be dead. With the three foxes who could move silently and fast when they chose. The two other wolves were decent fighters when I saw them last but rather they got worse at fighting or much better. I didn't want to see Coil come through with the two she-wolves.
Soil turned to hearing them coming. I made my move there quickly. I unbalanced Maro and had a sword in my mouth at his throat. Coil, Leaf, and Stem came through the bushes and Soil turned around again when he heard Maros yelp.
"Maro, fight him." Fridue tells him. Fridue was a mud looking wolf. His pelt looked like mud and his eyes were a common brown. "He can't be better than you. Last we saw him he couldn't fight all that good." Maro took his word and threw me but not like he planned to. He had me thrown to the rocky hill, all I did was turn myself so my paws hit the rock. That way I could use it as a quick way to get back to him. Once I made contact with it I pushed back off and hit him squarely. Hitting a rock he was knocked out.
As I did that Leaf and Stem took care of one fox and were fighting the other two. Coil had Soil pinned and Fridue was trying to run again. As they were all preoccupied I got in front of Fridue and backed him up with my sword. Getting him pinned up to the cave he started to look scared. Coil got Soil pinned up next to Fridue and had them both there. I went to help Leaf and Stem with the last two foxes. I went over and surprised one of them and after brief fighting they ran away.
Coil let Soil and Fridue run as they dragged Maro back with them.
"Leaf told me she saw you in her dream with Neako. Said you passed out. She didn't know what happened next. I woke her and Stem up to get going again." Coil tells me about last night. I saw his eyes go to my throat where Neako had stood. There were some claw marks that showed he had choked me out.
"I know. I saw what happened after I passed out." He knew the spell and how it worked. It brought you to a time of your choice. You just had to say Tergum in tempus and think of how far back I wanted to see. I wanted to know what had happened after I passed out. I only asked for after I passed out. It was a great spell for things like that. "Though I'm glad you came when you did. I almost thought I would never be able to do anything without getting overly attached."
Coil who knew about the curse knew that I should've attacked rather it was a good idea or not. Part of that spell was so that when you have the urge to attach you do it. At first I thought that spell was unharmful but I soon realized why they wanted that on the alpha. They were hoping that if it hit him his own pack would have to kill him so that he would stop trying to fight all the time. He was looking at me knowing that even I couldn't control that type of thing, so either a new spell was put on me so that that one was cancelled out or somehow I found a counter curse to it.
"How didn't you attack?" That question was bound to get asked by him. Stem and Leaf of course looked confused. I really couldn't blame them neither knew much about spells. Stem only knew one for portals. And portals for only going from this world to the Real World.
"Umm," I didn't know how to tell him that it was Neako who had helped me. "I don't know." Mumbling that hoping it would hide my knowledge of what had happened. Leaf came up and looked at my wound on my throat.
"It was so real there. With Neako in the volcano. I thought you were dead." The realization that she was worried about me being wounded kinda hurt me. I didn't know why but I had a feeling that if Lert found out he would try to kill her to get to me. Inside my head. Same if he knew about Coil and Stem being mates. Those two had no reason to be part of this fight but they were brought in by coming with us and being friends as well. She continued to look at my throat. "It should heal fine but I'd suggest not letting anyone choke you out next time." It was a dumb warning but I still dipped my head.
"What should we do? I can't find the cave for the Underground Portal at all." Stem tells us. Coil and I shared a quick glance before he went over and moved the vines.
"Once you know where it is it's hard to not see it again." Stem and Leaf look in.
"But I don't see the portal." Leaf claims confused.
"That's the point." I moved to the far side of the cave and opened the portal with the coordinates."Follow me." I lead the way into the portal and we enter Infernum. The same part I was in when I met Lert.
So you weren't lying my brother.

Chapter 9

Stem looks around. "That's Lerts voice. But I've never been here." I couldn't help but notice Craterdays calmness here. How can he stay so calm in this place? Coil too seemed somewhat calm but still jumped at the slightest of noises.
"That's because this is the main part of Infernum. Where they do not really rule but kinda do at the same time." Craterday explains. "I've been here before, many times actually." Which probably explains his calmness.
"So you can lead us to find them?" Leaf asks the same question I was hoping no one would ask.
"Yes I can. Everytime I enter this place it's somewhere new. Follow me and stay close." Coil goes behind us without a word of authority to him. His shoulder was better but he still had a small limp. Same limp he had as we were climbing all the rocks. Great and the whole group is here as well. Lert continues to complain. It's not all that bad. Really. Besides, I do believe that one of them owes me a favor. "Neako, Lert, if you two had some brains you'd know I won't or anyone here won't do anything for you." Craterday tells them calmly. As I look over his shoulder I can see the two brothers. One wolf was black with unseeing black eyes where the other was brown with unseeing black eyes. I couldn't tell who was who but once the one spoke I could spot them.
Ok so you won't. Neako told Craterday. So Neako was brown and Lert was black? What? I thought you wouldn't let him get away with not giving you anything back. Lerts anger went from us to his brother in a matter of seconds. That spell was never meant for him. Maybe we owed him his life back. Neako claims. I knew he got the curse from the last battle but this was new information. Did Craterday really know what had happened with the whole counter curse thing?
"What do you mean Neako?" Coil asks him. Leaf and I were probably going to let the wolves who knew one another decently good do all the talking. I know they were enemies and all but they knew one another decently good still. So he didn't tell you. I knew the counter curse and after Leaf left I undid the spell. Simple really after years of trying to figure out how to do it. Lert looks at his brother in surprise. And Coil looks at Craterday then at Neako. So you helped the enemy? Lert continued to look confused. No, I fixed our mistake. And you know I don't care what you say. I go with what I believe. Not just what I was told. Neakos reasoning was better then Lerts' just going to attach everyone.
I hadn't realized that Craterday had reopened the portal and was waiting on me to go through. Once I did he followed me. We were back in the cave that had the portal in it.
"So how do we kill them? Like I know Neako is kinda on our side but I still don't like them disrupting my dreams." Leaf asks like I knew how to.
"You really don't know how to kill the dead? Wow, I thought they would've told you there was a way to kill them in the Real World. Then again they probably don't have to worry about that all that much." Craterday tells her.
"And you know how?" My tone had an edge to it. More of a 'sure you know how to' voice.
"He probably does. It's one thing they learn in Kill Grounds. Which is where we are." Coil nods to Craterday telling him to tell them how to kill them.
"We can't kill them in Infernum we have to kill them when they come to this place. Not this place here but in the Real World or this world. That's the only time we can kill them. So they tend to stay in Infernum. " He explains to us.
"So we have to wait till they come out? When do they come out?" Leaf asked. I couldn't blame her for asking so many questions. New here and odd things happening.
"Yes," Craterday looked away and there was nothing around us. "And they only come out when there's a war. Not one or two battles or a small fight, but a full on war." This time his ears perk. But I still didn't see anyone or hear anything. Coil must have heard it as well. Leaf seemed just as confused as me at their sudden alertness.
Next thing I knew I was on the ground with a sword on my throat. Leaf was against the cave with a larger looking fox pinning her on his hind paws. I looked up at the animal that had a sword on my throat. It was a cat. A cat. How can a cat pin a wolf and not get it not stand up? Coil was still able to fight but was pinned down by another wolf. Craterday was nowhere to be seen but a stick with feathers on the end and some sort of rock or metal in the ground. The feathers were dyed black.
There was a whine and a small fight before Craterday and a wolf came out on their hind paws. A stick with a string of some sort was drawn back with that stick-feather thing on it.
"perché sei qui" the wolf fighting Craterday asks in another odd language. "tu chi sei"
"im dopo Lert e Neako. il mio nome è Craterday." Craterday tells him. "Dopo la morte del mio branco, mi è stato insegnato a essere un Assassino come te. Possiamo deporre gli archi, le spade e mettere via gli artigli. Rilascia anche i miei amici."
"Lasciali andare. parli inglese come i tuoi amici?" The wolf puts down his weapon and Craterday puts his away as well.
"Yes I speak English. Do you?" The rest of the group allowed us to get up and they put their weapons away.
"Yes Craterday, I can speak this language. You must have been trained as an assassin if you can speak that language. You are fast and smart. How's the side?" As I stood I could see the stick-feather thing that came through to us. From the looks the stick-feather thing cut along his side but not through.
"I'll live." He grabs the stick from the ground and gives it to him. "Want your arrow back?" The other wolf shakes his head.
"No, you keep it. It's a sign of respect from us. My name's Dito. The cat is Mroto. The fox is Tinko. And the other wolf is Kinto." The fox pulled down his hood. To reveal a common looking fox, he was older but not all that much. His hood was completely black with a red outline and a claw rip spread around it. Small ones and only like one or two. All of their hoods were ripped a bit. Ditos was a grey hood with golden outlines. Mrotos was dark grey with black outlines. Kintos was light grey with black outlines.
Mroto was a brown tabby with yellow eyes. I couldn't see her face at all. It was covered by her hood. Kinto was dark grey with slightly lighter grey spots around his body. His eyes were a dark cyan color. Dito was black no other color and he like Craterday had a black and a red eye but they were opposite of his.
"We did not know you were an assassin, friend. But what you have to do with Lert an' Neako?" Mroto came forward to ask. Her voice still had a heavy accent to it. Most likely she usually spoke the other language. Though she was a cat she had strong forpaws and was quite tall for a cat. Not tall enough to be a Big Cat by any means but tall for a common cat.
"Lert has more of a score with me but both have gone into our dreams. Though Leaf and Stem," he points to both of us before continuing. "Have never met them here they both met both by going into the Underground Portal and in their dreams." He points to Coil "This is Coil, Lert too has a score with him."
Kinto comes up a bit. ''So you main problem is wit' Lert?" He looked a bit confused though we couldn't see his face. He had his head to the side a bit.
"Yes, Lert is out for blood and Neako has helped us in some ways. He keeps to what he thinks though he still agrees with Lert." Now Coils comment had confused me and Leaf looked like she was just too excited to even pay attention to what was happening.
"Make sense. Neako has alway been thought centered. He base everythin' off of thought." Tinko tells them. "Maybe could help one another? We need to watch cave to make sure they no come out. To cause destruction anyway."
I didn't know what to say. Tinko made no sense half of what any of them said made no sense. But it did explain Craterdays occasional accent.
Mroto jumped into a branch above her. Tinko runs into the cave and hides. Dito hid on top of the cave blending with some rock shadows. Kinto hides in some sort of bush and almost looks like a rock except his breathing. Leaf had gone with Dito, her fur appearing as a rock. Dito talked quietly to her but she was listening well and doing as he said. Craterday had gone somewhere toward the trees. Coil dragged me into the cave with Tinko and the three of us hid in the shadows not saying a thing or moving. I didn't know what was happening or why it was but it seemed like a good idea to just listen to the animals that knew what they were doing.

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