Anime kid

Hardcore Episode 2: New Ally

Since I had Some bones in my chest I went into a nearby spruce forest looking for wolves, that way I can get a dog. After searching and searching I couldn't find anything. So I blocked up to get a good view, once I did I actually spotted a wolf chasing a bunny. I quickly took down my big dirt tower, and chased after that wolf, after they where done chasing the bunny and, finally killed it, I was able to feed the wolf some bones, with just 2 bones I had myself a dog. I was so happy that I actually had a friend to help me with this journey, so I gracefully ran back home with him. I took my dog inside the house and, made him stay there because I had plans for that day. I was going to create a farm for meat, and for wheat. Which for some reason rhymed! I started with my wheat farm beacouse, it felt like it would be easier, so I started getting enough seeds, and after I was done it looked pretty good. Then with some wood I had, and just a little bit of cutting down some trees in a forest I made a fence, for a chicken farm. I got my dog, and we looked for chickens together. Sadly we would only able to find one chicken. With all we had we put the chicken in the pen, and called it a day.

©️Anime kid


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