
Okay really sorry for not posting a lot

It’s that my parents.. my mom feels like her and my dad’s relationship is gotta go away any moment they been tougher for 20+ Years and my dad NEVER hugged her, asked if she was okay, or tell her good morning. He’s so close to fulfilling his dream of being the richest black man in the world. But my moms dream of making a school or a daycare center he said he was going to help her with it but he didn’t put in a penny. For me and my brother it’s been feeling like that he’s only been using us for money because he keeps forcing us to get better that tennis to be tennis stars. Sorry if I’m making you feel bad 😔I just had to say it to somebody cause my dad when we tell him that we wanna stop doing it he says JUST BECAUSE WERE KIDS he wouldn’t listen. I’m not trying to blame my dad though it’s that my mom thinks that doesn’t know how to give love because when he was kid. AGAIN IM SORRY IF YOU FEEL BAD. Plus now I can only use my iPad after 5:00 pm. So that’s why I wasn’t posting so much.


3 years ago   5 浏览量   1 框架


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