it sorta bothers me how constantly roe v wade is challenged
always by men too
why do men need their hands on every fucking thing
never considering consequences
youll only see a woman just to get in bed with her
you never consider her life, why she would need the support from roe v wade
some women cant afford the baby life, abortions are a thing
“put the baby in foster care” if you care so much, take a kid out of there, at this point you never consider those kids’ lives either cause theyre IGNORED????
if you say youre pro life
fuck you
i dont care
im going to say youre pro-baby
you dont care about lives
you care about babies
you would rather the mother be harmed just so a baby can come out, a baby that isnt even yours, you have no say in their life, but for some reason you fucking need to know
fucking chismoso 😐
its so dumb
that ppl rlly thjnk womens right shouldnt exist
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