💜Zee Bee💙 @onelayergirl

“YoUR aRT iS iNApProPRiAtE…” Meme Animation 😂✍🏽

Tiktok edit: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMevj4hXp/

Let’s just face it. As artists we go through a constant struggle of having to deal with other people’s “2 cents” lol And honestly I get this a lot. 😅Not only on here but TikTok sometimes too. 🤣 But at the end of the day I’m an artist. Not a parent. 🚫 And as an artist, it is not my responsibility to censor myself or “cater” to younger audiences. It is the parents’ job to monitor their children and what they look at on a daily basis. I mean let’s be real… a lot artists haven’t censored themselves since the beginning of time! I mean there are nude statues and paintings from the Renaissance era right? Lol Plus the music industry RARELY caters to kids. I’ve heard explicit lyrics, even during my own childhood. That’s just the honest truth. But what I will say is that I’ve seen a lot of kids on here animating some seriously graphic “adult” things. 👀 And even though it’s not my job to censor my way of artistic expression, I am respectful enough to keep my NSFW art off this app and save it for more adult-centric apps like Instagram, etc. I don’t even post NSFW art on TikTok cause it’s a little too kid-centric for me. But yea I just find it ironic sometimes when people say my stuff goes “too far” when I’ve literally seen more explicit things drawn by children. 🤯💀 People really need to learn how to relax and just observe art subjectively. 😌👍🏽❤️


3 years ago   2067 views   80 frames   40 Like



I really hate it when people just go out of their way to hate on somebody.

3 years ago   Reply (1)

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